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December 4-H Newsletter

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Happy Holidays!

As multiple event registrations open up we hope you take the time to complete your 4-H enrollment. We’re so excited to have SPARK Clubs this winter and many 4-H clubs to begin meeting in 2023!
-Sara Haag & Emily Brown, 4-H Youth Development Educators

The 4-H Office in Vigo County
Office will be closed
December 23, 26, 30 and
January 3

2023 4-H Fair is Vigo County Fair- July 8-15
(Exhibit Hall judging TBA)
Join the Jr. Leaders!

Open to all in Grades 7-12. The club meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the 4-H Meeting Room. *Next meeting December 13th. Email Sara to get all meeting updates.

4-H Club Meetings

Most clubs are in the process of scheduling their club meetings for the year. Make sure to enroll in any clubs you’re interested in to get meeting updates when they become available.

Attention 10-12th Grade Members!

It’s time to plan on completing 4-H Scholarships! Scholarship applications for Vigo County and Indiana 4-H Scholarships are due on January 25, 2023. Detailed information about the scholarships, recorded scholarship workshop video, and office hour help sessions to be released soon. Watch your 4-H Online email for announcements.

I Enrolled in 4-H, Now What?

Got questions about 4-H? Enrolled but not sure what to do next? Check out our Beginner’s Guide to Vigo County 4-H is available at: Frequently asked questions can be found there with all of your answers! Still have a question?
Call us at 812-462-3371 Monday-Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

Local SPARK Clubs

• Cookies From Around the World SPARK Club
Wednesday, December 21 from 9am to 3pm in the 4-H
Meeting Room at the Fairgrounds. Get in the holiday spirit
baking cookies while learning about global holiday traditions!
The registration fee has been covered by a local sponsorship
and provides supplies, ingredients, and lunch. Registration
is open on through December 18
for youth in grades 3-12. Space is limited to 20 members.
Contact or 812-462-3371
for more info.
• 4-H Photography SPARK Club
Learn all about photography tips and tricks from experts! The Area V
4-H Educators are holding this as a hybrid event. Participants will meet
virtually once a month (the third Wednesday of each month Jan-April)
as well as a day workshop in person on April 15th. The Spark club is
open to those in to 3rd-12th grade (we will be splitting the content for
beginners/advanced). Registration is $25 and includes 5 lessons, gift
and lunch. Register on by January 11th.

Statewide Spark Clubs

• Cooking Around the World – a virtual cooking club that meets weekly on Saturdays for 6 weeks. Join
presenters that share step-by-step instructions to create a dish from various cultures around the world
from the comfort of your own home. Registration is through 4-H Online and is due January 6.
• Thrivers Book Club – a virtual 4-week book club for 4-H volunteers and adults that work with
youth. We will be discussing the book “Thrivers” by Michele Borba on Tuesday evenings in Jan/
Feb. Adults can register at https://tinyurl.
• Life Lessons- a virtual 8-week workshop series for high school students called
Life Lessons. Each session in the series will cover topics and skills that are
essential for the journey into adulthood! Session will take place via Zoom and using Google Classroom. Additionally, participants will receive a kit with supplemental materials for home-based activities.

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