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December 2021 Clover Monthly

2021 4-H Achievement Program

Congratulations to all who were recognized for outstanding achievements on Nov. 7 in the 4-H Building at the Sullivan County 4-H Fairgrounds. Pictured from top and clockwise, 4-Hers awarded project achievement plaques; Mary Bowen for 60 years as a volunteer; Donna Glascock for 25 years as a volunteer; Reeta Willis and Donna Glascock for outstanding 4-H alumni; Ivy Tech and First Financial Bank for Friends of 4-H; Sullivan County Fair Queen Courtney Lueking presenting Junior Leader completion pins; 4-H Club Leaders; and 4-Hers awarded project achievement medals. For those who were notified they received an award, but were not able to attend the program, please contact the Extension office to arrange getting awards at 812-268-4332.


Important dates:

4-H Enrollment open: October 1, 2021-January 15, 2022

Dec. 2 Homemakers Christmas Bazaar, 3-7 pm

Jan. 25 4-H scholarship application deadline (on
June 12-15 4-H Camp at Shakamak State Park
July 16-23 Sullivan County 4-H Fair


Save the Date for these 2022 4-H Opportunities!
More information on these opportunities will be available at a later time. If you’re interested in learning more, contact Brooke for information at 812-268-4332 or

4-H Academy (Career Workshops) will be June 8-10, 2022. Grades 9-12.
4-H Camp will held on June 12-15, 2022. Campers: Grades 3-6   Counselors: Grades 8-12
4-H Round-Up will be June 20-22, 2022. Grade 7-9.

Purdue Extension Sullivan County Holiday Office Closures
Dec. 23-27, 2021 for Christmas
Dec. 31, 2021 for New Year’s Eve

4-H License Plates
Show your clover pride by purchasing an Indiana 4‑H Foundation Specialty License Plate at the local BMV Branch! Ten dollars from each plate purchased in Sullivan
County goes to Sullivan County 4-H Council to support youth programming in the
county! Monies generated by the plates statewide support the development of educational materials, 4-H program promotion, Indiana 4-H Congress, and Adult Leader Recognition Day. 

Sullivan County 4-H Minecraft Club
The Minecraft club will have their first meeting in December. Meetings will be on Monday’s from 6 to 7 PM. If you have a child interested in joining. Call the office or e-mail Brooke with the youth’s Minecraft username. Contact Brooke with any questions, or if there are any volunteers who want to help out at 812-268-4332 or

Take Home Holiday House Kit
Holiday House kits are available  for pickup at the office. This kit will include all the components to build a graham cracker version of  the traditional Gingerbread houses. Each kit will have enough for several houses, or a BIG one!
Call the office to set up a pickup time to get your kit. We can also leave a kit in our deck box if you can’t make it in during business hours. There is only a limited number of kits available! Our number is 812-268-4332, and you can also message us on Facebook.

4-H member and volunteer enrollment is open
Enroll online at
Need help registering? Call the Extension office at 812-268-4332.
Adult Volunteers—It’s time for you to re-enroll for the year at Complete volunteer training by viewing several videos and answering questions. Please allow 45-60 minutes to complete the volunteer straining this year.


Junior Leaders

2022 Jr. Leader Meeting Dates:
Jan. 11,  7-8 pm; Feb. 8, 7-8 pm; March 8, 7-8 pm; April 12, 7-8 pm; May 10, 7-8 pm; June 14, 7-8 pm.

Congratulations to our Junior Leader Board of Director’s Members!

CJ Hutchinson (President), Sarah Francis (Vice President), Lily Hutchinson (Treasurer), Carol Witt (Secretary), Genevieve Brooks (4-H Council Rep), Jocey Wible (4-H Council Rep), Sophie Hurst (Youth Advisory Board Rep), Maddie Hurst, Wyatt Springer, Caroline Page, Makayla Hitt, and Addy Stefancik.

Our adult leaders for 2021-2022 are Becky Scott, Bobbi Kincaid, and Brooke Stefancik (4-H Youth Educator). Questions about Junior Leaders can be answered by calling the office at 812-268-4332, and you can also use the private message option in the Remind app to message Brooke. 

Meeting dates for Junior Leaders have changed to the second Tuesday of the month! The board of director's goal for the next year is to have more community service projects at locations across Sullivan County. While our normal meeting times will be the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM, please stay tuned to the remind app for the most up to date information. For example, we are planning the January meeting to be a community service meeting at Brown Baggers. We will have to go at a day and time that is convenient for Brown Baggers to host us, which may not be the second Tuesday of the month.

We have several community service opportunities coming up. Please let Brooke, Becky, or Bobbi know if you have ideas for community service projects. We are always open to suggestions and would love to have more meetings in the community doing service projects. You can also text Brooke on the remind app with your ideas!

  • December 6th after school a Treats for Farmers committee will meet to bake and prepare treat bags for farmers that attend a Farmer Appreciation Breakfast at the Fairgrounds on December 7.  We need 3 more participants in order to commit to this project.
  • The Extension Homemaker’s are asking for Junior Leaders to help set up for their Christmas Bazaar. They are asking for 4 to 6 Junior Leaders to help Wednesday, December 1, after school to set up tables and chairs. We expect this will take less than one hour. 
  • The Salvation Army is now looking for community members to sign up to ring the bell around Sullivan. If you volunteer, please let Brooke know to mark it down as one of community service events. The contact to schedule a time to volunteer is Lela Street at 812-268-5958.

2022 Sullivan County 4-H Fair is July 16  - 23


Comparing 4-H Online & Fair Entry
We are now going into our 8th year of 4HOnline and the Fair Entry systems.  It’s easy to be confused by the two systems and we are hoping this explanation helps. As always, office staff is only a phone call away at 812-268-4332 or email

In 4-H Online ( you will: 

  • Enroll in 4-H
  • Enroll in projects you intend to complete
  • Identify the following species by May 15;  Beef,  Dairy Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Swine, Horse & Pony (requirements vary by species)
  • May 15 is the deadline to add or drop a project. This is for ALL projects.
In Fair Entry ( you will:
  •   Enter all of your project(s) into the correct levels, divisions, or classes that you will be exhibiting at the fair. (non-animal and animal)
  • This system will be used for ALL projects with the exception of Mini members.  Mini 4-Hers do not complete anything in Fair Entry.
  • All livestock must be entered into the correct classes at this time (see dates below).
 4-H Online
  • Currently open for enrollment.
  • May 15 deadline: Beef, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Horse & Pony must be identified in 4-H Online (  4-H Online will close at midnight!
Fair Entry
  • May 16: Fair Entry opens
  • May 16-June 24: All projects, non-animals and animals, enter into Fair Entry
  • June 24: Fair Entry closes


Hey Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors!
You are eligible for 4-H scholarships for college. (Even if you’re not going to Purdue.)
There are 4-H scholarships for all — no matter what college you choose.

Scholarship application deadline:  January 25, 2022

Find more details at this link:

Cheryl is hosting a Scholarship Workshop on December 21 at 7 p.m. in the Sullivan Co. Extension Office conference room. Must pre-register with Cheryl at 812-268-4332 or

Cheryl can guide you in what scholarships are available; good and bad examples of cover letters and resumes; writing wow statements; the evaluation process; the interview; what the scholarship committee likes and doesn’t like; answer questions; and more. Make an appointment with Cheryl today. You got this!

Sophomores & Juniors: The sooner you begin learning the process the better you will get at writing and interviewing. Starting early is a good idea. Even if you aren’t applying this year, you can learn what looks good on applications in order to plan future involvement.


Become a New Sullivan County 4-H Volunteer

There are a variety of involve​ment opportunities available. We rely heavily on adults who care about the development of youth across Sullivan County in order to deliver positive youth development experiences to our youth. All volunteers must pass a background check and participate in training provided by the county 4-H educators.
If you see something that sparks your interest in the list below, contact Sullivan County Extension Youth Development Educators Cheryl Casselman or Brooke Stefancik to get more details at 812-268-4332, or
  • Help with a one time event/program
  • Help lead a 4-H Club (organize meetings and speakers, provide assistance to youth club leaders)
  • Help with a specific 4-H project
  • Help with an afterschool program
  • Help with a summer program
  • Sit on a county governing board
  • Volunteer on a fair activities organizing committee
  • Serve as a Judge for 4-H project exhibits

 We have specific opportunities for a Cass Township representative on the 4-H Council; shooting sports volunteers for pistol, rifle, shotgun and archery disciplines; a bowling project superintendent; an ATV project superintendent; consumer clothing project superintendent; STEM Fest volunteers; and more.

Sullivan County 4-H Hippology, Horse Bowl, and Horse Judging Team
We will meet weekly on Thursdays starting in November (No meetings on December 23 or 30) from 5 to 7 pm.  All 4-H members in grades 3-12 are welcome and you DO NOT need a horse or be able to ride in order to participate. 

This is a great opportunity to learn more about horse science and horsemanship. While we are not sure how contests will look in 2022, the following are what a “normal” year looks like.
In February, we have the opportunity to attend Hippology Camp. We will participate in area invitationals, then compete in the State Hippology, Public Speaking, and Horse Bowl Competitions in early spring. Finally, we compete in State Horse Judging competition in May. In these events you compete both individually and as a team. 

We had a great group of 4-Hers last year with our Junior Horse Bowl team placing 2nd at the State competition, and our Senior Team also placed 2nd.

The kids have a great time together and learn a lot about horses, biology and science in general. We look forward to having new members join this highly motivated team! Come check us out and see if Hippology, Horse Bowl and Horse Judging is for you!

For more information, contact:
Missy Holmes: or 812-249-2466
Mary Bowen:  812-398-5452










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