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2020 Orange County Posts

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Purdue Extension.

At-Home Activities for Youth

As Hoosiers hunker down for the holidays, we can keep our kids entertained with hundreds of easy activities, all compiled by 4-H and the...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Newsletters

Want information about what is going on in Orange County 4-H? Check out the latest newsletter!

Purdue Extension.

Becoming a 4-H Volunteer

The 4-H Program would not exist without amazing volunteers, and we appreciate their time whether they can dedicate a few hours or many years. Since...

Purdue Extension.

FAQ for 4-H Enrollment

4-H Enrollment is now open, and we want to help you get enrolled today! This list of Frequently Asked Questions can help you navigate the system....

Purdue Extension.

4-H Enrollment Now Open!

A new version of 4HOnline has been unveiled, so you will notice the site looks a little different. Your information was transferred from our...

Purdue Extension.

Help! I can't find my project in 4HOnline

As we have unrolled the new 4HOnline, we have simplified the list of projects to make it easier to enroll. Some of our county only projects now...

Purdue Extension.

Orange County 4-H Clubs

Enroll online at Save the password that you create so that you can access your 4-H enrollment information in the future (to...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Council Application for Candidacy

Please print and return this form to the Extension Office if you'd like to run for a Council position at this year's 4-H Council Annual...

Purdue Extension.

Outstanding 4-Her Application

Please see the application below. Download the pdf, complete and email to or mail to 205 E Main St, Suite 4, Paoli, IN 47454...

Purdue Extension.

Cattlemen Making A Comeback

The Orange County Cattlemen’s Association have stood the test of time and have been a cornerstone of the Orange County 4-H Fair and Orange...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Week and Enrollment

Every year, National 4-H Week sees millions of youth, parents, volunteers and alumni come together to celebrate the many positive youth development...

Purdue Extension.

Are you ready for fall calving?

September is here and before we know it, we’ll be in the midst of fall harvest and calving. It happens every year like clockwork and...

Purdue Extension.

Purdue Fast Start

Every promising Indiana student deserves the opportunity to pursue an affordable, world-class education. With its new Fast Start program, which...

Purdue Extension.

Harvest of the Month

Heading back to school this fall seems very uncertain, but there’s no reason that the quality of education of our youth need to be...

Purdue Extension.

For Our Valiant Teachers

Teachers: as you know, teaching in the midst of a pandemic is not for the faint of heart. You, along with all support staff, are doing your best...

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