Mark Your 4-H Calendar
Beef/Dairy ID March 2nd 8-9am
Goat, Sheep, & Swine ID Day April 27th 8-10am
Animal ID Due in 4-HOnline May 15th
4-H Camp June 4-7 (Jr Staff 3-7)
Rabbit ID June 8th, 9-10am
Fair Week June 21-28
Spring Weather Safety
Did you know that just one inch of water can cause $25,000 of damage to a 2,500 square foot home? Standard homeowner and renter’s insurance policies do not include flood insurance protection. New flood insurance policies take about 30 days to become effective so make sure you have this as part of your insurance package! information courtesy:,kit%20ready%20at%20all%20times.
Spring Weather- Flood Facts
“Wait ten minutes and the weather will change” season is upon us and we all know how unpredictable SE Indiana weather can be. As we enter into spring, now is a good reminder to review your weather safety plans with your family. Have a designated location as your safe spot regardless of what kind of building you are in. Basement or storm shelters are best but if unavailable then head to an interior room, stairway or hall without a window. Use a helmet, blanket or mattress to protect your head, neck and body as these are the most vulnerable parts of the body that could be damaged by debris. How will you be alerted? Do you have an app on your phone that alerts you of severe weather? Do you have a NOAA weather radio? Can you hear sirens where you live? All of these can help in a dangerous weather situation. information courtesy:,kit%20ready%20at%20all%20times.