EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: The Ohio State Dairy Resource Handbook 4-H 127R
ACTIVITY REQUIRED: Complete YQCA, Livestock Record Sheet, and attend appropriate workshops.
DUE DATE: All record sheets and completed questions are due by 6p.m. the evening prior to the show to the superintendent. YQCA must be completed one week before fair.
ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS: Animals must be enrolled in 4Honline by May 15th. All projects need to be enrolled in Fair Entry by July 1st.
HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: Properly identified, Premises ID, 4HOnline enrollment by the appropriate date.
Taken from the “2021 Animal/Livestock Manual Requirements” on page 14 of the Periscope.
STATE FAIR ENTRY: Any member may exhibit, separate entry required. Be sure to follow appropriate deadlines.
- See General Health Requirements for all species as listed in Newton County Fair Book. All animals must be healthy at the time of entry to the Newton County Fair to be eligible for exhibition. All animals must be identified and meet appropriate State Board of Animal Health requirements.
- ALL completed record sheets and questions must be turned in to the Newton County Dairy Project Leader or Extension Educator prior to show.
- Posters are due at dairy animal check-in. There will be a poster class during the dairy show, so the 4-Her should prepare a short explanation for the judge.
- Current health regulations shall apply. Health inspections and Premise I.D and proper identification for each animal will be required before unloading at the fair.
- Situations which are not addressed by written rules will be decided by the Superintendent.
- For showmanship, all dairy animals may be shown as heifers. (This decision will be made at the judge’s discretion.) It is recommended that you wear all white clothing when showing dairy heifers
- Each 4-H member is personally responsible for feeding and watering animals appropriately, and keeping stalls clean for their own animals.
- All calves are required to be tied out at night.
- No water buckets shall be left in stalls with animals or they will be removed to prevent injury or unnecessary mess. If temperatures exceed 100 degree F, 4-H members must increase checks on their animals (3-5 times per day). The Superintendent and the Educator reserve the right to allow for free choice water depending on conditions.
- Showmanship classes will be divided into appropriately sized groups by age. 4-Hers must sign-up with the respective superintendent. When signing up to enter the showmanship contest, the 4-Her must give his/her grade level. The superintendent will determine the break in class size. The winners in each class will show for the Champion Showman Award. (Past winners will re-enter their appropriate age class each year). All participating members must show their own animals.
- Each 4-Her must own (or lease) his/her own exhibit, either entirely or in part or have a signed lease agreement indicating the 4-H member has exclusive show rights to the animal from May 15 until the State Fair 4-H Dairy Show. If a 4-H member is leasing a dairy animal, they must furnish a copy of the lease and it should be on file with the Extension Office.
- All dairy heifers and cows must be entered on the Indiana 4-H Ownership, Enrollment and Entry Form by May 15.
- Dairy breeds will show together by breed.
- No breed registration paper will be required.
- Classes offered at the fair:
Class 1—Heifer Calf: born March 1 or later (at least 3 months old) of the current year.
Class 2—Heifer: born between March 1 of the prior year and February 28 of the current year. (Classes will be divided as necessary according to State Fair classes.)
Class 3—2 Year Old & Older Cow: born before February 28 two years prior. (ex. 2010 Fair, Cow born January 5, 2009) These females will be divided into classes according to the State Fair classes as deemed necessary by the Superintendents.
- A Champion and Reserve cow and heifer will be chosen by breed and an overall will be chosen.
- All dry cows and heifers must stay for the duration of the Newton County fair. Lactating cows must arrive by 6:30 a.m. the morning of the show and may leave after the show is over.
- All heifers must be dehorned.
- All class winning heifers and cows will show for champion dairy female, and the champion dairy female will have the opportunity to stall in a specified champion pen.
Project Rules for Dairy Beef Market/Finished Steer Class:
- A 4-H member may enroll no more than six (6) dairy and/or beef steers. Steers must be entered on the Indiana 4-H Ownership and Entry Form by established county weigh-in date, and identified with ear tags, and weighed by a date established by the Extension Office in February/March.
- Sire and dams of dairy steers must be from dairy breeds. (Steers may be crossed, but must be 100% dairy breed). A separate class is established for Beef Cross Dairy Steers.
- Steers are to be born the year prior to showing.
- 4-H Record – use the record sheet used by beef steers.
- Steers must not have horns, or will not be allowed to unload.
- Dairy Beef Finished steers are defined as those weighing 751 pounds or more the day of fair weigh in.
- Animals must be shown “washed down” with no hair grooming except clipping. Use of show sticks is optional.
- Steers will be judged on meat value and meat yielding qualities.
- Dairy beef steers will be judged according to the weight classes at the discretion of the Superintendents.
- All dairy market/finished steers that meet the weight requirements will be eligible to sell in the 4-H auction.
- All weight class winners will show for Grand Champion Market/Finished Steer and will have the opportunity to stall in the Grand Champion Dairy Market Steer Pen
- Steers may not be shown more than 2 consecutive calendar years (Example: If you show a starter in 2020 and it does not make weight the next year 2021 to show as a finish steer but does qualify as a prospect, you may show as a prospect but it will not qualify for auction and you may not bring it a 3rd year (2022) to show as a finished steer.)
Project Rules for Dairy Beef Starter Steer Class
- Any 4-H member is eligible to participate.
- All animals must be 100% dairy breed. Starter calves will show by weight.
- A 4-H member may enroll no more than six (6) dairy and/or beef steers. Steers must be entered on the Indiana 4-H Ownership and Entry Form by established county spring date (ie. May), and identified with ear tags, weighed, and retinal scanned.
- All animals must be castrated.
- Dairy Beef Starters steers are defined as those weighing 750 lbs. or less the day of fair weigh in. Ideal weight for the animals at the time of fair weigh in is 400-450 lbs.
- All animals must meet the health requirements for the fair and possess the proper identification and Premise I.D. papers by May 15th.
- Use of show sticks is optional.
- 4-H members will NOT be eligible to sell their starter calf at the auction, but may bring the animal back the following year as a dairy beef market/finished steer and sell it then.
- Starter calves will be judged according to weight classes at the discretion of the Superintendents.
- Weight winners will be show for Grand Champion Dairy Starter Steer.
- Steers may not be shown more than 2 consecutive calendar years (Example: If you show a starter in 2020 and it does not make weight the next year 2021 to show as a finish steer but does qualify as a prospect, you may show as a prospect but it will not qualify for auction and you may not bring it a 3rd year (2022) to show as a finished steer.)
Rules for Dairy Beef Prospect Steer Class
- Any 4-H member is eligible to participate.
- All animals must be 100% dairy breed. Starter calves will show by weight.
- A 4-H member may enroll no more than six (6) dairy and/or beef steers. Steers must be entered on the Indiana 4-H Ownership and Entry Form by established county spring date (ie. May), and identified with ear tags, weighed, and retinal scanned.
- All animals must be castrated and dehorned.
- Dairy Beef Prospect Steers are defined as those weighing more than 500 lbs and less than 750 lbs. the day of fair weigh in. These steers may have been born after January 1st of the previous year.
- All animals must meet the health requirements for the fair and possess the proper identification and Premise I.D. papers and be entered into 4honline by May 15th.
- Use of show sticks is optional.
- Prospect calves will be judged according to weight classes at the discretion of the Superintendents.
- Weight class winners will be show for Grand Champion Dairy Prospect Steer.
- Steers may not be shown more than 2 consecutive calendar years (Example: If you show a starter in 2020 and it does not make weight the next year 2021 to show as a finish steer but does qualify as a prospect, you may show as a prospect but it will not qualify for auction and you may not bring it a 3rd year (2022) to show as a finished steer.)
Project Rules for Beef Influence Dairy Market/Finished Steer (Beef Cross Dairy Steers)
1. Any 4-H member is eligible to participate.
2. All animals must be at least 50% dairy breed
3. Steers are to be born the year prior to showing.
4. 4-H Record – use the record sheet used by beef steers.
5. Steers must not have horns, or will not be allowed to unload.
6. Beef Influence Dairy Finished steers are defined as those weighing 751 pounds or more the day of fair weigh in.
7. Animals must be shown “washed down” with no hair grooming except clipping. Use of show sticks is optional.
8. Steers will be judged on meat value and meat yielding qualities.
9. Beef Influence Dairy Steers will be judged according to the weight classes at the discretion of the Superintendents.
10. All beef influence dairy market/finished steers that meet the weight requirements will be eligible to sell in the 4-H auction.
11. All weight class winners will show for Grand Champion Beef Influence Dairy Market/Finished Steer.
- Steers may not be shown more than 2 consecutive calendar years (Example: If you show a starter in 2020 and it does not make weight the next year 2021 to show as a finish steer but does qualify as a prospect, you may show as a prospect but it will not qualify for auction and you may not bring it a 3rd year (2022) to show as a finished steer.)
Project Rules for Beef Influence Dairy Starter Steer Class:
- Any 4-H member is eligible to participate.
- All animals must be 50% dairy breed. Starter calves will show by weight.
- A 4-H member may enroll no more than six (6) dairy and/or beef steers. Steers must be entered on the Indiana 4-H Ownership and Entry Form by established county spring date in May, and identified with ear tags, weighed, and retinal scanned.
- All animals must be castrated and dehorned or they will not be allowed to unload at check-in.
- Beef Influence Dairy Starters Steers are defined as those weighing 750 lbs. or less the day of fair weigh in. Ideal weight for the animals at the time of fair weigh in is 400-450 lbs.
- All animals must meet the health requirements for the fair and possess the proper identification and Premise I.D. papers.
- Use of show sticks is optional.
- 4-H members will NOT be eligible to sell their starter calf at the auction, but may bring the animal back the following year as a beef influence dairy market/finished steer.
- Starter calves will be judged according to weight classes at the discretion of the Superintendents.
- Weight winners will be show for Grand Champion Beef Influence Dairy Starter Steer.
- Steers may not be shown more than 2 consecutive calendar years (Example: If you show a starter in 2020 and it does not make weight the next year 2021 to show as a finish steer but does qualify as a prospect, you may show as a prospect but it will not qualify for auction and you may not bring it a 3rd year (2022) to show as a finished steer.)
Rules for the Free Dairy Starter Steer Program: (Contact the Extension Office for full rule descriptions)
The Dairy Starter Steer Program provides Newton County 4-H youth members the opportunity to receive a dairy steer calf for use in the Newton County 4-H program. This program is made possible by Fair Oaks Farms and Prairie’s Edge Farm. The program will provide: One dairy steer calf, initial vaccinations, and four bags of feed. The 4-H member must provide transportation from the pick-up location to the 4-Her’s animal facilities, daily care including proper feed/water/shelter, and veterinary care as needed for a TWO-YEAR period. The 4-H member is responsible for exhibiting the animal during the subsequent Newton County Fair Dairy shows.
- By accepting the animal and participating in this program, 4-H members are committing to caring and properly providing for that animal for the length of ownership. This includes, but it not limited to appropriate feed, water, shelter/pasture, veterinary care, etc.
- By accepting the animal and participating in this program, 4-H members are committing to the program for a TWO-YEAR period. If the 4-H member choose to discontinue the program, the 4-H member may choose from one of the following options: 1) A fine of $200 will be assessed OR 2) Another eligible 4-H member will need to finish the steer to the completion of the two-year commitment.
- Newton County 4-H members in grades 3 through 11 and who are in good standing with the 4-H program are eligible to participate in the free dairy starter steer program.
- Last year and 10-year members will be allowed to participate in this program. However, due to the two-year commitment, the 4-H member must choose one of the follow options: 1) A fine of $200 will be assessed OR 2) Another eligible 4-H member will need to finish the steer to the completion of the two-year commitment.
- Mini 4-H members are not eligible for this dairy starter steer program. Mini members may arrange other means of obtaining an animal to participate in the Mini Dairy project. If a sibling of a Mini 4-H member is participating in the Starter Steer program, the mini member may show this animal in the mini class.
- If 4-H member is unable to exhibit the animal (such as it passes away or is unfit to show), veterinary proof would be required.
- 4-H members must register their animal appropriately in 4HOnline by May 15th. Failure to register will result in the inability to exhibit at the fair and a breach of the program agreement. A fine of $200 will be assessed. Contact the Extension Office PRIOR to May 15th is you have questions about registering your animal in the system.
- 4-H members who receive an animal will be required to complete a basic husbandry course. The superintendent may administer this as a worksheet or workshop.
Special circumstances will be evaluated by the Dairy Committee and the 4-H Educator. All decisions are final.
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