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STATE FAIR ENTRY: One wearable and one non-wearable exhibit from each level.

Level A – Grades 3, 4 - 4-H 924 Let’s Sew; 4-H 925 Sew Simple; 4-H 925A-W Record Sheet (Grade 3);4-H 925B-W Record Sheet (Grade 4). Level B – Grades 5, 6 - 4-H 924 Let’s Sew; 4-H 926 Sew Smart; 4-H 926A-W Record Sheet (Grade 5). 4-H 926B-W Record Sheet (Grade 6). Level C – Grades 7, 8, 9 – 4-H 924 Let’s Sew; 4-H 927 Sew Fine; 4-H 236 Sewing Special Fabrics (Grades 8, 9); 4-H 927A-W Record Sheet. Level D – Grades 10, 11, 12 – 4-H 928 And Sew On; 4-H 236 Sewing Special Fabrics; 4-H 928A – W Record Sheet. Turn in completed record sheet with your project.


Level C & D: Add the Fashion Revue category in which you would like to be judged.  Find the categories listed under Fashion Revue following the project requirements.

Note: Enter either a wearable or non-wearable exhibit; OR enter both a wearable & non-wearable (2) exhibits.


  • Level A – Grade 3
    • Include at least 2 skills in the exhibit:
    • Insert elastic or drawstring; Sew and trim a crotch curve; Machine topstitch hems; Use a simple seam finish; Stitch in the ditch.
      • Wearable: Elastic waist shorts, pants OR skirt with fold over casing; no pockets. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 925c-W) to the exhibit.
      • Non-wearable: Simple pillow sham with lapped back opening and purchased pillow form (following instructions provided in manual) OR simple totebag with handles or drawstring. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 925c-W) to the exhibit.
    • Level A – Grade 4
      • Seam finishes are recommended on all exposed seams. Include at least 2 skills in the exhibit: Use interfacing; Staystitch and understitch; Apply a facing or binding; Stitch curved seams; Trim and grade seams; Work with fiberfill; Machine topstitch hems.
      • EXHIBIT
        • Wearable: Shorts, pants OR skirt with partial or full sewn-on waistband or waistline facing, or partial elastic waistband (not a full elastic waistband) OR simple shirt or top OR BBQ apron, or similar sewn clothing article made to be worn by the 4-H member or another person. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 925c-W) to the exhibit.
        • Non-wearable: Shaped pillow with curved seams, stuffed and sewn closed OR hanging pocket organizer OR bound edge placemats (set of 4). Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 925c-W) to the exhibit.
      • Level B – Grade 5
        • Seam finishes are recommended on all exposed seams (except knits). Interfacing, understitching and trimming should be used when appropriate. Choose at least 3 of these additional skills for each sewn exhibit: Match fabric design; Gather fabric; Insert a zipper; Use a drawstring; Hand-stitch a hem; Sew a simple sleeve; Apply purchased trim or ribbing; Sew patch or inseam pockets; Use a simple lining; Do a machine blind hem; Apply machine topstitching; Do a machine topstitched hem; Sew with knit; Insert elastic; Apply facings; Sew buttons; Apply binding; Use batting.
        • EXHIBIT
          • Wearable: Simple shirt with sleeves OR sundress OR jumper OR simple 2 piece pajamas OR similar sewn clothing article made to be worn by the 4-H member or another person. A similar article is permissible provided the skill set is the same as the listed articles. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 926c – W) to the exhibit.
          • Non-wearable: Pillow lap quilt (quillow) OR structured duffel bag, tote bag or backpack, OR sewn hat or similar sewn article. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 926c-W) to the exhibit.
        • Level B – Grade 6
          • Seam finishes are recommended on all exposed seams (except knits). Interfacing, understitching and trimming should be used when appropriate. Choose at least 4 of these additional skills for each sewn exhibit: Make darts; Set in sleeves; Insert a lapped zipper; Hand-stitch a hem; Make buttonholes; Sew tucks or pleats; Sew ruffles; Hand sew buttons; Apply trim; Sew a simple lining; Sew patch pockets; Apply bindings; Do a machine topstitched hem; Sew facings; Apply ribbings; Sew a simple collar; Do a machine blind hem; Sew with knit; Match fabric design; Use fiberfill; Apply machine appliqué; Insert piping; Apply machine topstitching; Construct with a serger; Sew inseam pockets.
          • EXHIBIT
            • Wearable: Two (2) garments that can be worn together made to be worn by the 4-H member or another person. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 926c-W) to the exhibit.
            • Non-wearable: Pillow sham with button or zipper closing, appliquéd design, piping or ruffle. (make your own pillow form) OR totebag with zipper or duffel bag with zipper, pockets and lining OR doll or pet clothes OR similar sewn article OR construction techniques sample notebook (following instructions provided in manual). Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 926c-W) to the exhibit.
          • Level C Grade 7
            • Seam finishes are recommended on all exposed seams (except knits).Interfacing, understitching, and trimming should be used when appropriate. Choose at least 5 of these additional skills for each sewn exhibit: Make darts; Set in sleeves; Sew facing; Apply ribbing; Apply a collar; Sew on buttons; Use doll joints; Apply inseam pockets; Apply front hip pockets; Match fabric design; Apply trims; Apply machine or hand appliqué; Apply machine topstitching; Insert a lapped zipper; Insert an invisible zipper; Insert a separating zipper; Insert a fly front zipper; Do machine quilting; Do a hand-stitched hem; Do a machine topstitched hem; Do a machine blind hem; Attach cuffs; Apply binding; Sew lining; Apply ruffles; Insert piping; Make buttonholes; Use fiberfill; Apply patch pockets; Use a twin needle; Apply tucks/pleats; Construct with a serger. Apply machine embroidery.
            • EXHIBIT
              • Wearable: School, casual, or Sports Outfit made to be worn  by the 4-H member or another person. Can be one or more pieces. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 927c-W) to the exhibit. A one piece outfit could be a dress or romper.
              • Non-wearable: Dressed, jointed (with sockets) stuffed animal OR sewn item for holiday or special occasion or similar sewn article OR construction techniques sample notebook (following instructions provided in manual). Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 927c-W) to the exhibit.
            • Level C – Grades 8, 9
              • Seam finishes are recommended on all exposed seams (except knits and non-raveling specialty fabrics). Interfacing, understitching and trimming should be used when appropriate. In addition, choose at least 6 of these skills for each sewn exhibit: Make darts; Make tucks; Add lining; Add facings; Add plackets; Add lapels; Make sleeves; Add gathers; Apply trim; Apply ribbing; Add a drawstring; Use shaped seams; Use fiberfill; Add a waistband; Add patch pockets; Add front hip pockets; Match fabric design; Make shoulder pads; Do machine or hand quilting; Apply machine or hand appliqué; Apply machine topstitching; Insert an invisible zipper; Insert a separating zipper; Insert a fly front zipper; Insert a lapped zipper; Insert a handpicked zipper; Do a machine topstitched hem; Do a machine blind hem; Do a hand-stitched hem; Make self-covered buttons; Use specialty threads; Make self-enclosed seams; Sew with difficult fabric; Construct with a serger; Make machine buttonholes; Make bound buttonholes; Attach cuffs; Make pleats; Insert elastic; Add boning; Apply a collar; Insert piping; Make a neckband; Add vents; Sew buttons; Add underlining; Add ruffles; Sew with knit; Make button loops; Do hand beading; Add inseam pockets; Add welt pockets; Use twin needle; Create bound edges. Apply machine embroidery.
              • EXHIBIT
                • Wearable: See advanced sewing wearable exhibit options below. Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 928c-W) to the exhibit.
                • Non-wearable: Sewn items for your home OR construction techniques sample notebook OR sewing machine survey (following instructions provided in manual). Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 928c-W) to the exhibit.
              • Level D – Grades 10, 11, 12
                • Seam finishes are recommended on all exposed seams (except knits and non-raveling specialty fabric). Interfacing, under stitching and trimming should be used when appropriate. In addition, choose at least 6 of these skills for each sewn exhibit: Make darts; Make tucks; Add lining; Add facings; Add plackets; Add lapels; Make sleeves; Add gathers; Apply trim; Apply ribbing; Add a drawstring; Use shaped seams; Use fiberfill and/or batting; Add a waistband; Add patch pockets; Add front hip pockets; Match fabric design; Make should pads; Do machine or hand quilting; Apply machine or hand appliqué; Apply machine topstitching; Create bound edges; Insert an invisible zipper; Insert a separating zipper; Insert a fly front zipper; Insert a lapped zipper; Insert a handpicked zipper; Do a machine topstitched hem; Do a machine blind stitch; Do a hand-stitched hem; Make self-covered buttons; Use specialty threads; Make self-enclosed seams; Sew with difficult fabric; Construct with a serger; Make machine buttonholes; Make bound buttonholes; Attach cuffs; Make pleats; Insert elastic; Add boning; Apply a collar; Insert piping; Make a neckband; Add vents; Sew buttons; Add underling; Add ruffles; Sew with knit; Make button loops; Do hand/machine beading; Add inseam pockets; Add welt pockets; Use twin needle; Make a reversible item; Piece quilted item; Apply machine embroidery; Coordination of Fabric for quilted items; and other skills not listed above.
                • EXHIBIT
                  • Wearable: See advanced sewing wearable exhibit options below. Attach Sewing Skills card (4-H 928c-W) to the exhibit.
                  • Non-wearable: Sewn items for your home OR construction techniques sample notebook OR sewing machine survey (following instructions provided in manual). Attach Sewing Skills Card (4-H 928c-W) to the exhibit.
                • Advanced Sewing Wearable Exhibits – Grades 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. All senior sewing wearable exhibits (Grades 8-12) are to be made so it can be worn by the exhibitor or another person. All senior sewing (Grades 8-12) outfits exhibited in Fashion Revue must be made and worn by the exhibitor. Definition of an outfit: An outfit is a garment or garments that when put together make a complete look – such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant suit, or a three piece combination, such as pants, vest, and blouse or shirt.
                  • Informal or Casual Wear: A complete outfit of one or two pieces suitable for school, weekend, or casual, informal activities.
                  • Dress Up: This is suitable for special, church, or social occasions that are not considered to be formal. It may be an outfit of one or more pieces with or without its own costume coat or jacket (lined or unlined). This is not an outfit that would be worn to school, weekend, or casual, informal activities (not a sundress).
                  • Free Choice: A complete outfit comprised of garments that do not fit in the other classifications. Examples include: tennis wear, swim wear, athletic or other active sportswear, lounge wear, riding habits, historic, dance, theatrical, or international costumes, capes, and unlined coats.
                  • Suit or Coat: The suit consists of two pieces including a skirt or pants and its own lined jacket. It is not a dress with jacket as in “dress up wear”. The coat is a separate lined coat for your wardrobe. It will be judged separately as a coat with its own accessories.
                  • Separates: Consist of three garments that must be worn as a coordinated complete outfit. Each piece should be versatile enough to be worn with other garments in your wardrobe.
                  • Formal Wear: This outfit may be one or more pieces suitable for any formal occasion, such as proms, weddings, and formal evening functions.



A chance for all 4-Hers enrolled in Sewing to model their projects at the pre-fair judging and at the county fair. Six senior entries, grades 8-12, are eligible for competition at the State Fair. Details will be sent in the summer to all those enrolled in clothing. Member must also be enrolled in the 4-H Sewing Project.

The 4-H Fashion Revue is an educational activity which places emphasis on selecting, constructing, accessorizing and modeling a garment or garments that complement the participant and the total wardrobe.

Members enrolled in Consumer Clothing are also encouraged to model their clothing items in the Public Revue at the fair.


  1. Juniors are those who are in grades 3-7 and are divided by sewing divisions. Seniors are those who are in grades 8-12 and are divided by classifications.
  2. 4-Hers MUST PARTICIPATE in pre-judging and the Public Presentation of the Fashion Revue. Pre-judging takes place approximately one week before the Public Presentation which is held during the County Fair.
  3. Garments modeled must have been made since the past year's county exhibit.
  4. 4-Hers who are of Senior grade, but are enrolled in Division IV and V, should model in the appropriate Senior category.
  5. It is the responsibility of the 4-Her, with guidance from their 4-H Leader or parent, to enter the CORRECT Senior category. Category entry cannot be changed once judging of that classification has begun. Unlined coats will be accepted in Free Choice classifications. Unlined suits may be entered in Dress-Up Wear, Informal or Casual Wear and Separates, depending on their intended use.
  6. The 4-H members in the Senior Division may enter two separate outfits for Fashion Revue as long as one outfit is entered in construction.




Fashion revue provides an opportunity for youth to model the outfit constructed in the 4-H sewing project.  State fair fashion revue is limited to youth in grades 8-12.  All articles modeled in Fashion Revue must have been constructed by the 4-H member modeling that same garment or outfit.  Youth qualifying to exhibit the same garment or outfit in Indiana State Fair Sewing and Fashion Revue must choose which project they wish to participate as one cannot exhibit the same garment or outfit in both projects at state fair.


Fashion revue categories are:

  • Informal or Casual Wear: A complete outfit of 1 or 2 pieces suitable for school, weekend, or casual, informal activities.
  • Dress Up: This is suitable for special, church, or social occasions that are not considered to beformal. It may be an outfit of one or more pieces with or without its own costume coat or jacket (lined or unlined). This is not an outfit that would be worn to school, weekend, or casual, informalactivities.
  • Free Choice: A complete outfit comprised of garments that do not fit in the other classifications. Examples include: tennis wear, swim wear, athletic or sportswear, lounge wear, riding habits, historic, dance, theatrical, or international costumes, capes, and unlined coats.
  • Suit or Coat: The suit consists of two pieces including a skirt or pants and its own lined jacket. It isnot a dress with jacket as in "dress up wear". The coat is a separate lined coat. It will be judged separately as a coat with its ownaccessories.
  • Separates: Consists of three garments that must be worn as a coordinated complete outfit. Each piece should be versatile enough to be worn with other garments.
  • Formal Wear: This outfit may be one or more pieces suitable for any formal occasion, such as proms, weddings, and formal evening functions.

DEFINITION OF AN OUTFIT: An outfit is a garment or garments that when put together make a complete look - such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant suit, or a three piece combination, such as pants, vest, and blouse or shirt.


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