Hey, Junior Leaders!
Welcome, November! This is the month of votes, veterans, being thankful and eating really good food! The Junior Leaders meeting will be on November 9th at 7:00 pm at the 4-H Building on the fairgrounds.
The theme of the evening is honoring our veterans and learning how to fold and show respect for our flag. American Legion Post Commander Emily Armstrong will lead us in folding the flag, and we will also learn the proper use and etiquette of the flag. You will have a chance to fold your flag (replica) and it is yours to keep.
We will also assemble care baskets for veterans during this meeting. Please bring a few items from this list:
The Completion Trip committee will meet at 6:30 pm prior to the meeting in the WKR. Bring your trip ideas. Those members are: Nolan Stantz, Madelyn Stantz, Nathan Rinehart, Kaytlin Mendenhall, Breanna Mendenhall, Piper Phillips, Willow Phillips, Kelsey Moore, Maxine Cosat, Jacob Wunderlich, Kasey Etter, Kiley Etter, Mackenzie Findley, Bryce Maxwell, Maddie MacPhee, Katie MacPhee, Gracie Wunderlich, Justin Amos, John Holzer, Sean Hedrick and Izzy Bolin. Adult Advisors: Jeremy Amos and Brian Holzer.
If you have not completed a 4-H Health form, please do this. We need this information so we can plan the December etiquette dinner with consideration given to those who have food allergies.
I look forward to seeing you on November 9th.
Rena Sheldon,
CED/Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Purdue Extension—Morgan County
180 S. Main St. #229
Martinsville, IN 46151
Phone 765 342-1010
FAX 765 349-5071