The Purdue Extension Martin County weekly column is provided to help all learn
about programs & opportunities. We highlight events from Purdue University & Extension
where we hope you will choose to be part of Extension….. where there is Opportunity4All!
calling all 4-H members: become an Indiana Broadband Influencer
Do you want to help bring broadband to every person in Indiana?
Indiana will be receiving an $870 million dollars to bring broadband to areas where connectivity is low or non-existent. The FCC will use the map to determine what areas will be prioritized. Our job is to make sure that the map is correct.
Will you help correct that important map? If you choose to report your help, you will receive a broadband influencer pin and enter your essay in the contest to win an iPad.
Go to enter your address and answer the questions. It is a good idea to take a screenshot of your results, especially if you are unserved.
Then verify your address at If it is incorrect, or if the information about your speed is incorrect, please submit a challenge. If you do need to issue a challenge, it helps to have multiple screenshots of speed tests over time to upload.
Next, write one paragraph explaining why ensuring that everyone in your community has broadband internet will help your community and make it a better place to live.
Once you have done these three things, go to 4-H Online and register for the Indiana Broadband Influencer event. You will find instructions attached. Then, just wait for your pin. They will be sent after the first of the year, so make sure you do this early.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds & Event Center, Community Building
Sunday, November 5, 2023 12 noon EST to 12:30 pm EST
Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds & Event Center, Community Building
You now have an option to text with Extension staff. Text 812-653-2089 to reach Purdue Extension Martin County.
All are invited to send a text with your name and in return a full detailed contact card will be texted back for you to save in your device contacts. The contact card will include helpful links will be easy for you to save in your contacts for future use. Then, going forward, you may text as a straight communication option for your Purdue Extension needs!
Adult Volunteer Enrollment for the new program year
Thank you to each and every Extension/4-H volunteer for all you do! Here is to a great new year.
All adult volunteers must re-enroll to obtain volunteer certification for 2023-2024 programming season at Please complete your re-enrollment this month.
On the home page choose:
Purdue Extension/Indiana 4-H
Enroll Now
Follow the questions, answer & confirm/choose/next to move forward as options appear. At the end, please submit your enrollment and complete the 3 training modules. Your request for enrollment review cannot be completed until training is completed.
If you have any questions, please call or email
2024 martin county 4-h fair
July 11-16, 2024
The 167th Great Indiana State Fair will be Friday, August 2nd to Sunday, August 18th, 2024; closed on Mondays.
What Makes 4-H Different from other Youth Serving Organizations?
4-H is a part of the community. A club becomes involved with improving economic and social conditions where the members live. They learn how to be good citizens by taking community responsibility.
4-H is “learning by doing.” It’s an action program. Participants watch others, they study, they experiment, but they “do and practice” themselves. People remember 20 percent of what they are told, 30 percent of what they see, 50 percent of what they hear, 70 percent of what they say, and 90 percent of what they do and think. 4-H offers much DOING AND THINKING!
4-H is Inclusive. Youth of all races, places of residence, socioeconomic situations, and educational backgrounds are welcome. Youth may become 4-H members when they enter the third grade. They may continue membership until they complete the 12th grade. Maximum 4-H membership is 10 years. It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service that all persons have equal opportunity and access to its educational programs, services, activities, and facilities without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability or status as a veteran. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action institution. This material may be available in alternative formats.
4-H is real life experience. It is learning how to do jobs and how to make decisions similar to those that are important in adult life.
4-H can be a family affair. There is a place for all family members if they want to participate. Sometimes you can reach and teach others: friends, parents, brothers, and sisters through the 4-H members.
4-H is adaptable. Programs can and should be “tailored” to fit any individual, any home, or any community. You can help your club adapt the program so that everyone gains from the experience.
4-H is decision making. Learning to stand on one’s own feet and learning to work with a group are important. Early practice in making both personal and group decisions builds for the future. You help members find possible answers. You encourage them to explore and decide which path they will follow.
4-H provides for ownership. Making, buying, and selling are included. Each project “belongs” to the member.
4-H is based on science and fact. The resources of Purdue University, our Indiana land-grant college, are used consistently in developing and implementing projects and activities.
WHAT ARE THE 4-H Delivery Methods?
Youth can participate in 4-H in a variety of ways, below is a list of ways.
Organized 4-H Community Club - Club members meet as a group on a regular schedule under the direction of an approved adult volunteer with a planned program. Clubs typically have elected youth officers and a set of rules approved by membership to govern the club, or for very young groups, other developmentally appropriate structures and operating processes. Community clubs typically meet in the evenings or on weekends and offer self-chosen, multiple learning experiences and activities.
Organized 4-H Afterschool Club - Club members meet as a group on a regular schedule under the direction of an approved adult volunteer with a planned program. 4-H after-school clubs are organized within after-school programs administered by cooperative Extension staff or other organizations (i.e. other youth development organizations, housing authorities, faith-based groups). They meet the above definition of a 4-H Club, and the young people and adult staff identify themselves as 4-H members and volunteers. They may have officers and elements of a club structure.
Special Interest or Short-Term Program - Special interest and short-term programs include groups of youth meeting for a special learning experience that involves direct teaching by Extension staff or trained volunteers, including teachers.
4-H SPARK Clubs – provide six hours of instruction on a specific topic of interest to the youth and adult volunteers. SPARK club audiences are typically new to the 4-H program. The SPARK club topic is designed to “spark” an interest in further 4-H participation.
Overnight Experience - Youth taking part in an Extension-planned educational experience that takes place over multiple days away from home.
Day Camping Program - Day camps consist of multiple-day programs with youth returning home each evening.
School Enrichment - School-aged youth receive a well-planned sequence of learning experiences during regular school hours.
4-H Projects: A 4-H project is one of the areas where learning-by-doing takes place. As members gain experience, the scope of their projects may be increased and/or they may choose to take on additional projects.
Characteristics of a 4-H Project include:
4-H Activities Presentations - opportunities for youth to organize their thoughts and present them to their peers and adults.
Workshops – planned educational program on a specific topic.
Showmanship – youth demonstrate their knowledge about a specific subject or project area, typically in the areas of livestock.
Record Keeping – written document outlining the knowledge that the member has gained in the 4-H experience, including the financial revenue and expenses.
Community Service – opportunities for 4-H members to give back to their communities individually or as a group.
Career Development Events – individuals or teams compete to evaluate specific subject matter areas Fair Exhibits – youth display a product that demonstrates the knowledge they have gained during their 4-H experience.
Multi-county, State and National – wide variety of 4-H opportunities that are available for youth beyond the county borders at the area, state, and national levels. Some of these include camps, workshops, conferences, etc.
4-H Recognition Scholarships and awards – recognition given to 4-H members for their accomplishments during their 4-H tenure
Judging may be through the Danish system or placing. In the Danish system, individual entries are classified as Blue (top), Red (average), or White (below average) based on criteria established for the category. The Placing system is where individual entries are ranked from top to bottom as compared to all other entries in the category
Conference/open/interview judging – youth are present while the adult judges or evaluates their entries. Youth will typically be asked by the judge to explain how the entry was completed and what was learned during the process.
Applications will be accepted for the 2024 Junior & Senior Boiler Vet Camp until February 1st, 2024.
The Junior Camp will run from June 2-8 and Senior Camp will run from June 9-15.
The only camp of its kind in Indiana, Boiler Vet Camp gives want-to-be veterinarians or veterinary nurses the chance to live out their dreams. This camp is designed for students who are interested in becoming veterinary healthcare professionals and provides a preview into the real and vast fields of veterinary medicine. Students who attended a previous camp cannot repeat the same camp.
Through presentations, demonstrations, laboratories, visits and in-depth, hands-on activities, students will discover what modern veterinary medicine is all about. Students will gain personal experience of what it is like to attend vet school and what it takes to become a veterinarian or veterinary nurse through this seven day on-campus experience at one of the premier veterinary schools in the country. Students entering 8th and 9th grades are eligible to attend Junior Camp and students entering the 10th, 11th, or 12th grades are eligible to attend the Senior Camp. The minimum age required to attend Vet Camp is 12 years of age.
Many partnering organizations have joined with the College of Veterinary Medicine to provide financial assistance for both camps. Partial scholarships are available. Camp fees are all-inclusive for the hands-on in-residence camps.
Learn more and apply now at
Monday, November 6, 2023 10 am – 12 Noon EST
Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds & Event Center, Community Building
Topic: Anhydrous Ammonia, Regulatory Update
Lunch served
Contact: Dena Held 812-295-2412, texting 812-653-2089, or e-mailing
Monday, November 6, 2023 5 pm – 8:30 pm EST
5667 N 900 East, Montgomery, IN
Topics: Herbicide resistance, Pollinator exposure
Dinner served
Contact: Sarah Brackney 812-254-8668
Monday, November 13, 2023 10 am – 12 pm EST
Knox County Fairgrounds, Bicknell, IN
Topic: Fungicide, Regulatory Update
Contact: Valerie Clingerman 812-882-3509
Monday, November 13, 2023 6 pm – 8 pm EST
Hornady Park, Petersburg, IN
Topic: Fungicide, Regulatory Update
Dinner served
Contact: Valerie Clingerman 812-882-3509
You can’t take care of your farm, your livestock or your family if you don’t first take care of yourself.
The Purdue Farm Stress team is part of a 12-state collaborative effort that was awarded the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network grant administered by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The goal is to create/expand stress management and mental health resources and services to agricultural producers/stakeholders in the North Central region. Listen to the podcast! Tools For Today’s Farmer. Featuring interviews with leaders in the agriculture industry. Find it anywhere you listen to podcasts or simply google search “Tools for Today’s Farmer Podcast.”
Resources for Farm Families:
Need help and don’t know where to start:
Call: 211 OR
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Call: 988 OR
Be Well Indiana
Call: 211 OR 1-866-211-9966 OR https//
Concern Line for Farmers (Hosted by Iowa)
Call: 1-800-477-1985
Farm Aide Hotline
Call: 1-800-327-6243
Strong Couples Project (Partnership with IL)
Check the website for more resources and information:
The Farmer Veteran Coalition is hosting three online QPR Suicide Prevention Trainings for anyone who is, works with or knows a farmer veteran or farmers or veterans.
The QPR training is a very accessible way to receive an introduction to suicide prevention.
Together we can help prevent suicide. FREE Question, Persuade and Refer Suicide Prevention Training Opportunities:
As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper you will learn to:
Length of training one hour and 30 minutes. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.
February 28, 2024
Beck Agricultural Center, West Lafayette, IN
The Indiana Organic Grain Farmer meeting increases participant understanding of organic transition, certification and cropping systems through peer learning and networking. This annual event includes education and workshops on transitioning to organic grain, breakout sessions, farmer panels, networking time and an industry trade show.
For more information contact: Ashley Adair - Extension Organic Agriculture Specialist Email:
2024 Indiana Small Farm Conference
WHEN: Thursday, February 29, 2024 – March 1, 2024
WHERE: Hendricks County Fairgrounds, Danville, Indiana
The Indiana Small Farm Conference is a unique space to learn new techniques, see what works, and network with others. Over 400 attendees, 40 + exhibitors and a vendor trade show along with several national speakers.
To learn more about the conference and the work that the Purdue team does to make your small farming program work. Contact Information: Amy Thompson,
If you are interested in being a show vendor, contact: Phil Cox at
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture is seeking applicants for a new soil sampling program. The program called, Indiana’s Mississippi River Basin Soil Sampling program, is free to applicants. This seeks to encourage famers to include soil sampling in their plans for nutrient management.
This program will provide soil sampling and analysis at no cost to the producer along with lab recommendations for nutrient applications based on yield goals and soil test results.
Producers will work with ISDA staff to coordinate soil sampling and to provide the best available information for the most accurate recommendations. Soil sampling will take place prior to fertilizer application.
Samples will be submitted to contracted labs for routine soil fertility testing.
This program includes row crop fields, pastures, and specialty crops located within Indiana’s portion of the Mississippi River Basin.
Participating growers will be prioritized by:
Further prioritization may be implemented based on interest in the program.
Producers can register via the online form, by reaching out to their Resource Specialist, by reaching out to the Program Manager at or 317-605-0701.
The IBCA area meetings are open to all beef producers and feature great food, valuable information on beef issues, policies, programs, and fellowship. There will also be updates on current news& events from Indiana Beef Cattle Association and Indiana Beef Council, Indiana State Board of Animal Health, National Cattlemen's Beef Association and Purdue University Ext * Indicates an election to be held for Area Director.
If you want an opportunity to be more involved in the beef industry within Indiana, we encourage you to run for an Area Director position! If you would like more information of what the role entails, please Contact Brian Shuter or call our office! (317)293-2333
Please check the schedule for your area and mark your calendar now!
Area 1: Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 6:00 pm; South East Purdue Ag Center (SEPAC), Butlerville
RSVP to Jennings County Extension office at 812-352-3033 by 11/30/23.
Current IBCA Director: Vacant
Area 2: Saturday, December 9, 2023 at Noon; Pewter Hall, Brownstown
RSVP to the Lawrence County Extension Office at 812-275-4623 by 12/1/23.
Current IBCA Director: Steve Ritter
Area 3: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 7:00 pm. ET / 6:00 p.m. CT; The Village Inn, Petersburg
RSVP to the Gibson County Extension office at 812-385-3491 by 12/6/23.
Current IBCA Director: Mick Douglas
Area 5: Monday, December 11, 2023 at 6:30 pm; Harmony Community Center, Brazil
RSVP to Owen County Extension office at 812-829-5020 by 12/4/23.
Current IBCA Director: J.D. Faulk
Area 6: Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 6:30 pm;
Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield
RSVP to Hancock County Extension office at 317-462-1113 by 12/4/23.
Current IBCA Director: Deryl Hunt
Area 7: Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 6:30 pm; Willie & Red’s Buffet, Hagerstown
RSVP to the Madison Co. Extension Office at 765-641-9514 by 12/7/23.
Current IBCA Director: Dan Chesnut
Area 8: Monday, December 18, 2023 at 6pm; The Peoples Winery, Logansport
RSVP to the Cass Co. Extension Office at 574-753-7750 by 12/11/23.
Current IBCA Director: David Helms
Area 9: Monday, December 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm.; McGraw’s Steakhouse, West Lafayette
RSVP to at the Fountain County Extension office at 765-793-2297 by 12/4/23.
Current IBCA Director: Dr. Dave Dixon
Area 10: Tuesday December 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. ET / 6:00 pm CT; Christo’s Banquet Center, Plymouth
RSVP to Kosciusko Co. Extension at 574-372-2340 by 12/5/2023.
Current IBCA Director: Bob Dragani
Area 11: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:30 pm.; Whitley Co. Ag Museum, Columbia City
RSVP to the Whitley County Extension office at 260-244-7615 by 12/6/23.
Current IBCA Director: Jacob Pettigrew
This is a four-week course offered virtually November 28, December 5, 12, and 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST. This is a discussion-based workshop to connect women and subject-matter experts in the areas of financial records and interpreting results. Participants should plan on attending each of the four workshop dates. The course requires participants to have an internet connection. Women will find many opportunities for questions, sharing, and connecting with the presenters and other participants. Upon completion of this program, participants will have a better understanding of how financial records can be used to make decisions.
Session highlights:
Week 1 - Balance sheet construction and interpretation
Week 2 – Cash flow and income statement fundamentals
Week 3 – Ratios, lease evaluations and negotiations
Week 4 - Know Your Numbers Know Your Options
Registration is $20 per participant and class size is limited to 20.
Register by November 22 at: .
Class material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2020-70028-32728 (Cooperating with University of Nebraska Extension). For more information, or if you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, please contact Mathias Ingle or 765-456-2313 by November 22, 2023.
Adapted as an excerpt from the 2022 Purdue Extension Impact Report which may be accessed at
Say you have a small dairy in Indiana, and you want to update your milking machines. Or you’re a farmer, processor or value-added agricultural manufacturer wanting to modernize your equipment or expand your operation.
You’re very good at what you do, but you don’t have a business background, and you need a business plan. You’re unsure where and how to get a loan or grant. You may need crop yield projections or information about exporting commodities.
An advisor from the Indiana Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Agribusiness Initiative can help. The service is one on one, confidential and free. And beginning this year, your advisor might also be a Purdue Extension educator.
As a new partner in the Agribusiness Initiative, Purdue Extension strengthens a well-established program. “We’ve done one-on-one advising in the SBDC for all kinds of small businesses, from widget factories to restaurants, for years,” says its director, Monty Henderson. “But the SBDCs recognized that most of our clients are non-ag.” In cooperation with the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA), the SBDCs invited Purdue Extension to help extend its distinctive advising model to agricultural businesses, largely using existing resources, Henderson says.
Since leaders announced the initiative in March 2022, Henderson — also an employee of the Purdue Center for Regional Development — has trained nine Extension staff as new advisors. They join about 80 advisors already working across the state.
The educators bring diverse agricultural specialties to the advising team. In addition to their training and professionalism, their commitment to public service makes them a good fit.
They meet with clients in their area of expertise, bringing Purdue-sourced tools and resources to help people make good decisions. One important role is to reinforce business plans and strategies and loan requests with real facts and data, he adds.
The partnership recognizes agriculture’s value to rural communities. “Farms are powerful economic generators,” says Henderson, a lifelong farmer. “With the state Department of Agriculture and Purdue Extension, we have agriculture covered here in Indiana with two powerful partners who know it well."
Adapted from:
By: Abbi Smith, MA, RD, LD
Feeling the pressure of busy schedules yet? Give your mealtime motivation a boost by trying the following tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
Keep it simple. On extra busy nights, prioritize recipes with fewer ingredients. With input from your children, create a small collection of family favorites to help you get in and out of the kitchen in less than 30 minutes. Cycle through these recipes regularly, and pretty soon both grocery shopping and meal prep will be a snap.
Choose ingredients that do double duty. Save shopping time by stocking up on ingredients you can use for more than one meal throughout the week. Cook two pounds of lean ground beef, instead of one. Use half for sloppy joes on whole grain buns one night, and reheat the other half to throw in a casserole the next night.
Drive past the drive-thru. A trip to a favorite take-out place is lovely, on occasion. Depending on your menu choices, however, it could be taking away from your family’s health in more ways than one. A semi-homemade meal that includes lean protein, whole grains and vegetables will provide great nutrition, and hopefully leftovers (Oh, hello savings!). Keep it semi-homemade by using canned or frozen vegetables and store-bought sauces or spice packets. The key is to read labels in order to choose the versions low in extra salt, added sugar, and saturated fat.
Make family meals an expectation. Whenever your schedules do ease up, tell every family member to be home for dinner at a set time on days when it works. The hope is that everyone will start to look forward to this time together, making it easier to prioritize.
Make it enjoyable. Add some excitement to family meals with theme dinners. Use a checkered tablecloth for an Italian-inspired meal, and bust out the chopsticks when serving an Asian-inspired dish. Dine al fresco (that’s in the open air) on the back patio, and bring a cheat sheet of fun conversation starters to liven up your family discussions. You might learn something new about one another.
Start small. You don’t have to drive past the drive-thru every time to make family meal gains. Set a goal to limit take-out to a couple times a week. If you have a set schedule, designate your busiest couple days for these meals each week. Make a commitment to prepare a semi-homemade meal at home at least one night per week. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying a new tradition and setting new, bigger family meal goals.
Conversation Starters for Family Fun
Does mealtime seem so busy with your young children that sometimes you forget to "talk" as a family? Pick a “starter” question to begin mealtime conversations that will create great memories, too! You can write these on index cards or slips of paper and place them in a jar. Then take turns drawing a card at a meal and have all family members answer the questions – even the adults. Be creative!
Adapted from:
By: Katherine Jacobson
Take a walk around the track at the Indiana State Fair, and you’ll get a whiff of deep-fried nostalgia on a stick. From smore’s funnel cakes to deep fried corn, there's something for everyone on this year’s Taste of the Fair list, which offers imaginative recreations of classic fair foods.
This summer, Food Science students in the Food Entrepreneurship and Manufacturing Institute used common household ingredients and tools to bring the Taste of the Fair to your kitchen.
This year’s Taste of the Fair featured a deep-fried twist on a classic Hoosier summer staple: sweet corn, topped with mayonnaise, parmesan and hot sauce. Savory, slightly sweet and reminiscent of a hushpuppy, Food Science students’ DIY take on these fried ears are double-breaded in a cornmeal mix for extra crisp.
We get it—deep frying at home can be messy, and some prefer a healthier option. Air fryers provide a healthier alternative without the risk of being splashed by hot oil. Convection ovens can also be used by coating the corn with cooking spray. While it won’t provide the same level of crispiness, this method may be easier in a home setting.
- From the Test Kitchen
Smothered in Nutella, topped with fruit and sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar, the Taste of the Fair’s “Nutellaphant” ear is worth the mess. Food Science students tested three different recreations of fried dough: puff pastry, pizza and biscuit dough. The winner? Puff pastry, which had a golden, crispy outside and soft, chewy inside just like the fair favorite.
The verdict is out. Among the three fried doughs tested, puff pastry stands out as our ultimate recommendation. Its distinct texture features a crispy and flaky outer layer, while the inner layer remains delicate. The delightful combination of flaky layers and a light, crispy texture gives deep-fried puff pastry a melt-in-your-mouth quality.
- From the Test Kitchen
Nothing says summer like s’mores around a campfire, making this Taste of the Fair spin on a classic funnel cake the ultimate summer dessert. Food science students drizzled their homemade cake with marshmallow spread and chocolate syrup and garnished with crushed graham cracker crumbs. Their secret ingredient? Pancake batter, which when piped through a bag into the hot oil, creates a crispy, spiraled effect.
Funnel cake needs more gluten development than a typical pancake mix to form its distinct texture. This can be achieved by overbeating your pancake batter and adding less water. The batter also tends to take on the shape of the pan, so keep this in mind when choosing a pan size. Smaller pans yield smaller cakes and vice versa.
- From the Test Kitchen
Achievement in Service Award provided to Held
In recognition of an Outstanding Career of Leadership and Professional Service to the 4-H Program and The National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals, Dena Held of Purdue University and Purdue Extenstion was recognized during the 2023 National Conference Awards Program. Nominated through colleagues, Dena was 1 of less than 100 Extension Professionals throughout the Nation to be honored with the Achievement in Service Award in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania earlier in October 2023.