MEET & GREET PROGRAM IN MARTIN COUNTY: Assistant Director of Extension & 4-H Youth Development Program Leader to visit in June
All are invited to attend a local program with Dr. Casey Mull. Topics for the program will include an overview of 4-H Opportunities 4 All; 4-H Visioning & Connections through Conversation. Members of the State of Indiana 4-H Ambassador Team as well as entertainment from 4-H Performing Arts will be included in the evening.
When: June 28, 2022 at 7:30 pm EST
Where: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds, Community Building, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee, Indiana
Please RSVP by June 24 by emailing or call/text 812-887-2783.
Prepare for the 4-H Fair!
4-H Project drop/add and animal identification was completed on or before May 15/16th. The next step is to identify what you are actually bringing to exhibit at the Martin County Fair! You must go online and log into Fair Entry using your 4honline credentials. Go to, then “find your fair,” then “Indiana,” then “2022 Martin County 4-H Fair.” ALL PROJECTS, including mini, must be entered by June 25. Call us at 812-295-2412 and we are happy to help.
2022 Fair entry will open june 1st
6-1-2022 – 6-25-2022
Fair Entry must be completed for all exhibits (Mini & Regular 4-H) of the Martin 4-H County Fair
7-1-2022 ll Exhibitors involved in livestock projects must have completed YQCA and submitted certificates
7-1-2022 All Exhibitors showing registered/purebred animals must submit registration papers
Poster Boards & Sleeves available
Poster boards and sleeves are available for purchase at the Martin County Extension Office. The office is open Monday-Friday 8 am – 4 pm. After hour appointments are available by scheduling.
Foam poster boards: $4 per board
Plastic poster board sleeves: $1 per sleeve
Plastic Salon print sleeves: $1 per sleeve
2022 Martin County 4-H Summer Dates
Saturday, June 11
9 am - Ag Tractor, Lawn & Garden & Zero Turn County Contest
Monday, July 11
3:30 pm – Fashion Revue Event –The public is invited
6:00 pm – Set up at Fairgrounds for all 4-Hers, Leaders & Volunteers
Friday, July 15
3 pm – Cat Show at Emergency Management Building
5 pm – Community Building and vendors open
5 pm – Sign up for Silent Auction items
5 – 7 pm – Antique Tractor Show
6 – 9 pm – Carnival Games
6:30 pm – Queen Contest, Fashion Revue, Mini Sewing Members
30 min after Queen Contest – Zephyr Van Moor
Saturday, July 16
9 am – Community Building opens
9 am – Beef & Dairy Show
9 am – Horse & Pony Show
10 am – Mud Volleyball Contest
1 pm – Rabbit Show
5 pm – Sign up for Silent Auction items
5:30 pm – Poultry Show
6 – 9 pm – Carnival Games
Sunday, July 17
1 pm – Community Building opens
2 pm – Farm Bureau Games
2:30 pm – Corn Hole registration
3:30 pm – Kiddie Tractor Pull registration
3:30 pm – Corn Hole Tournament
4 pm – Shooting Sports Demonstration4 pm – Shoals Robotics
4:30 pm – Kiddie Tractor Pull
5 pm – Gospel Signing
5 pm – Sign up for Silent Auction items
6 pm – Baby Show
6 pm – Sheep & Goat Show
6 – 9 pm – Carnival Games
6 pm – Emergency Services Showcase
Monday, July 18
5 pm – Community Building opens
5 pm – Oreo stacking and watermelon seed contest
5 pm – Sign up for Silent Auction items
5:30 – Cowabunga
6 pm – Pie Baking Contest
6 pm – Swine Show
Tuesday, July 19
5 pm – Community Building opens
5 pm – Sign up for Silent Auction items
5:30 pm – Supreme Showmanship
7 pm – 10 year and Last Year Member Recognition
7:30 pm – Livestock Auction
The Martin County 4-H Junior Leader members Head up Fairs Cares Program
Help the local food banks at the 4-H Fair, July 15-19. For every 5 pounds of non-perishable food items, one state fair ticket will be given ($14 per ticket value). The tickets are limited, but the need for food is not. Please come out and support the food banks. Cash donations for Fairs Care Program will also be accepted.
2022 Martin County 4-H Handbook Available at
Printed copies are available by contacting the Extension Office.
4-H Static Project Scorecards: Major Changes for Simplification!
All 2022 4-H scorecards have been reviewed, updated, and posted to the Indiana 4-H Youth Development web site. Visit at:
Scorecards are located on individual project pages. A general scorecard is available on the full project listing page. All previously used scorecards are outdated with the exception of some genealogy and some sewing scorecards.
All 4-H leaders, members and families are encouraged to become familiar with scorecards as you work to create 4-H exhibits for the 2022 Martin County 4-H Fair and the Indiana State Fair!
Martin County 4-H Cat Project Workshop
Learn about cat resources, prepare for exhibition, and have fun!
When: Monday, June 20 5:15 pm
Where: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds, Emergency Management Building
Who: Youth participating in the 2022 4-H Cat project and all youth interested in exploring the cat project! Parents/mentors are welcome to attend.
Cost: Free
Questions: Contact Martin County 4-H Cat Department Superintendent Taylor Smith at 812-899-2294 (text or voice) or the Extension Office.
Martin County 4-H Club Meetings
Every 4-H member is invited to all Club Meetings and members are encouraged to be members of multiple clubs.
Dream Team Club
Date Day of the Week Time Location
6-12-22 Sunday 6:00 pm St. Martin’s Hall
7-2-22 Saturday 10:00 am St. Martin’s Hall
7-10-22 Sunday 6:00 pm Loogootee City Park
7-11-22 Monday 5:30 pm Martin County 4-H (Records signing during fair set-up) Fairgrounds
Horse & Pony Club
Upcoming meetings dates TBA
Horses welcome with approved horse health certificates and MUST be signed by a licenses Veterinary. Health certificates may be accessed at:
Or hard copy picked up at the Extension Office.
4-H members do NOT need to have a horse to participate in the Horse & Pony Club! New in 2022: 4-H members who DO NOT have their own horse are offered a Mentor Showmanship class.
Jolly Jug Rox Club
Location: Hindostan Church Fellowship Hall
Time: 6:00 pm
Upcoming Dates:
June: Monday June 13 & Monday June 27
July: Tuesday July 5
Jolly Juniors Club
Location: Truelove Church
South on Highway 231
1195 Truelove Church Rd, Loogootee, IN
Time: 6:00 pm
Upcoming Dates:
June: Monday June 6 & Monday June 20
July: Tuesday July 5
Questions: Call Leader Kathy Lingenfelter at 812-709-1424
Jr. Leaders
Tractor Club
The 2022 Martin County 4-H Tractor Contest will be Saturday, June 11th 9:00 am at the Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds for all three Tractor Events: Ag Tractor, Lawn & Garden & Zero Turn.
The 2022 Area III 4-H Tractor Contest will be Saturday, June 25th at Warrick County Fairgrounds for all three Tractor Events: Ag Tractor, Lawn & Garden & Zero Turn. Exhibitors must qualify at the county level to progress to the Area Contest. (Rain date: June 26, 2022.)
The 2022 Indiana 4-H Tractor Contest is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, August 10th for all three Tractor Events: Ag Tractor, Lawn & Garden & Zero Turn. Exhibitors must qualify at the area level to progress to the State Contest.
Statement on Status of Commingling Poultry Events in Indiana from the Indiana Board of Health
(5 May 2022)
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) continues to monitor the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) situation closely, nationally and within the state. Currently, BOAH has not determined a need to cancel events where poultry are commingled, including fairs, exhibitions, and sales.
Based upon standards established by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the majority of Indiana counties continue to hold a HPAI-free status. To stay consistent with those standards, poultry owners outside of designated control areas may continue their normal course of business without additional restrictions.
Current and past HPAI events have lacked evidence that small, hobby flocks have contributed to the spread of the virus.
BOAH staff regularly attend swap meets and sales to enforce state animal health regulations. Poultry brought into Indiana must have a certificate of veterinary inspection or records to prove participation in the National Poultry Improvement Plan, which certifies flocks as free of avian influenza.
BOAH continues to encourage all poultry owners, regardless of flock size, to maintain high levels of biosecurity. Anyone who sees clinical signs consistent with HPAI should call:
Updates on the HPAI situation in Indiana are available online at:
Verification of Livestock Breed Status Deadline July 1st
Livestock who are purebred or have other registration papers with exhibitors who wish to show in those respective classes need to provide the properly registered papers by July 1, 2022 to the Extension Office.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Martin County Program Deadline for Livestock Exhibitors July 1st
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development. All youth who exhibit livestock are required to be certified annually. Certification can be obtained at an in-person class or via the online modules.
All youth in Indiana exhibiting an animal (Swine, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, and Poultry) at a county or state fair must have completed a Quality Assurance Certification, by July 1, 2021 for Martin County exhibitors.
Washington County Open Sheep Show
When: Saturday, June 4, 2022
Where: Washington County Fairgrounds, 118 Fair St., Salem, IN 47167
Schedule: Check-in 8-10 am; Weigh-in 8:30-10 am; Showmanship starts 12:30 pm; Market classes start 30 minutes after conclusion of showmanship
For more info: Jason Webster, WCSA President, 812-725-5700 or Purdue Extension Washington County 812-883-4601
Indiana State Fair Vet Camps
Vet Camp is an experience for future veterinarians in grades 6th thru 8th or 9th through 12th to provide an opportunity to be the doctor for the day. Youth are invited to spend time learning about animals in a fun way from current veterinary students from the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. Learn about the educational pathway to veterinary school and how you can prepare for what awaits you as a veterinarian. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to investigate being a veterinarian.
Hands-on sessions include:
Explore blood and placing catheters in animal models
Practice surgery skills by suturing up simulated incisions
Opportunity to look at radiographs (x-rays) to learn what is inside of patients.
What: Junior Vet Camp (grades 6-8) or Senior Vet Camp (grades 9-12)
When: Session are between July 30 – Aug 20
Cost: $40, participants will receive a t-shirt, two admission tickets, and parking pass.
For more information: Stephanie DeCamp 317-927-7566
Pre-registration required.
OISC Clean Sweep Pesticide Disposal
The Indiana Pesticide Clean Sweep Project is designed to collect and dispose of suspended, canceled, banned, useable, opened, unopened or just unwanted pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, miticides, etc.) and is being sponsored by the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC). This disposal service is free of charge up to 250 pounds per participant. Over 250 pounds there will be a $2.00 per pound charge. This is a great opportunity for you to legally dispose of unwanted products at little or no cost. Visit to complete the Clean Sweep Participant Form or email to have a participant form emailed.
9 am – 3 pm local time
Aug 16: Ceres Solutions Wabash County, Wabash, IN
Aug 17: Bartholomew County Solid Waste District, Columbus, IN
Aug 18: Daviess County Highway Department, Montgomery, IN
Aug 23: Davis Purdue Agricultural Center Randolph County, Farmland, IN
Aug 24: Co-Alliance Porter County, Valparaiso, IN
Aug 25: Hendricks County Fairgrounds, Danville, IN
Annie’s Project: Empowering Women in Agriculture Program
This six-week course is a discussion-based workshop brining women together to learn from experts in production, financial management, human resources, marketing and the legal field.
When: June 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, and 23 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Cost: $65 for all 6 virtual sessions.
Register at by May 27
For more info contact Kelly Heckaman or Emily Luc 574-372-2340
Managing Farm Risk Webinar Series
Join an experienced team of Extension educators, specialists, faculty, and a lawyer as we present the Managing Farm Risk Webinar Series. This series will encompass techniques and tips to mitigate, transfer, and avoid risks in production, marketing, financial, legal, human resources, and social media.
When: Wednesdays, May 25 – June 29, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Register at:
Urban and Small Farm Soil Health Conference for Growers & Ag Professionals
DIG IN and GET THE DIRT on soils and soil health! This is a full-day conference training for conservation and agricultural professionals working with urban and small farms, vegetable growers, and diversified farms. Growers are also welcome to attend. Learn about microbiology, soil contamination, farmer projects, new NRCS programs for small farms, and more.
When: Thursday, June 2, 2022, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST
Purdue Fast Start for Indiana Students
One way to earn admission into Purdue University is through Fast Start. Indiana Students can take the Modern States online courses for free. Those who pass a minimum of five corresponding College Board CLEP exams and meet Purdue’s standard admission requirements are assured admission to Purdue and designated Klinsky Scholars. CLEP testing centers are now open along with online options. The Purdue Extension Martin County office staff are available to help local students access this opportunity!
Dr. Temple Grandin: In Person Program in Daviess County
When: Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Where: Washington High School, 608 E Walnut St, Washington, IN
Daviess-Martin Special Education Cooperative & the Indiana Resource Center for Autism, Presenting Two Workshops:
The Importance of Good Stockmanship: 10:30 am – 11:30 am
This presentation is free and is geared toward members of Future Farmers of America (FFA), 4-H, and others involved in the livestock industry. Temp will share her experience and expertise in livestock handling and management. No cost to attend.
Developing Different Kinds of Minds 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
This workshop is geared for school personnel, early childhood educators, adult providers, others involved in supporting someone on the autism spectrum, family members, and those who are neurodiverse. Temple will discuss her experiences, and her perspectives on leading a meaningful life. There is a nominal cost for this presentation for non-Washington School District Employees of $15 USD.
For more details, visit:
Sponsored and hosted by the Daviess-Martin Special Education Cooperative & the Indiana Resource Center for Autism
The Ants of Indiana: A Free Virtual Program
When: Wednesday, June 8 at 6:00 pm EST
Join Tabby Flinn in learning about the ants of Indiana. We will go through the biology of ants, pest species most commonly encountered, unique species in Indiana, how to control them, and more!
Register at:
Questions: Tabby Flinn 812-462-3371
Emergence Problems in Corn
By: R.L. (Bob) Nielsen
Successful stand establishment of a corn crop relies on many factors, including the successful emergence of the seedlings in the first place. Seedling emergence occurs as a result of the elongation of the mesocotyl (negative gravitropism) that elevates the coleoptile or “spike” toward the soil surface (Rodríguez & Cassab, 2021). If successful, the appearance of the coleoptile at or near the soil surface is synchronized with the emergence of the first true leaf from inside the coleoptile.
The mesocotyl is the white tubular stem-like plant part located between the kernel and the base of the coleoptile. Technically, the mesocotyl is the first true stem internode of the young corn seedling (Rodríguez & Cassab, 2021). As the coleoptile nears the soil surface, exposure to the red (and perhaps blue) wavelengths of solar radiation causes a change in the supply of one or more growth hormones from the coleoptile to the mesocotyl tissue and mesocotyl elongation comes to a halt (Rodríguez & Cassab, 2021; Vanderhoef & Briggs, 1978).
If mesocotyl elongation and/or coleoptile emergence are compromised, the emergence of the leaves from the coleoptile may occur underground and the leaves remain trapped by the soil. Such "leafing out underground" is obviously viewed with great consternation by growers who were hopeful for perfect emergence of their crop. Emergence failure directly reduces the productive plant population; one of the major yield components of corn, and so grain yield potential will be decreased if the productive plant population is substantially lower than the optimum population. Uneven seedling emergence and/or development effectively also decreases the productive plant population. See Nielsen et al. (2022) for guidelines on optimum plant populations for corn in Indiana.
Failure to emerge successfully can be caused by failure of the germination process itself, failure of the mesocotyl to successfully elongate and/or by soil restrictions that hinder successful penetration of the soil by the coleoptile. In extreme cases, elongation of the mesocotyl fails miserably, resulting literally in corkscrewed fiascos. Often, more than one of the following causal factors exist in a problem field and usually interact with each other to amplify the problem.
Herbicide Injury: Certain herbicides, notably cell growth inhibitors like acetochlor, can affect seedling shoot development especially if weather or soil conditions are not conducive for rapid seedling growth. See Hartzler and Anderson (2018) for more information. However when herbicide injury is suspected to be a contributing factor, cool soils and dense soil crusting are often also contributing factors, so is difficult to pin the blame completely on the herbicide injury.
Insect Injury: Certain soil-borne insects like seedcorn maggots (Delia platura) and wireworms (Agriotes, Limonius, etc. spp.) occasionally feed on corn kernels in the seed furrow, destroying or injuring the embryo in the process. Kernel symptoms from this type of injury are fairly obvious. See linked sites below in the Reading List for more information.
Disease Injury: Fungicidal seed treatments effectively prevent most seed rots and seedling blights for 2 to 3 weeks after planting. However, once the seed treatments deteriorate with time, fungal diseases like Pythium and Fusarium may infect the seed or young seedling, causing stunted development or outright death (Sweets, 2015). Kernel or seedling symptoms from these types of diseases are fairly easy to identify.
Kernel Position in Furrow: The coleoptile, the protective covering for the plumule leaves, emerges from the embryo side of the kernel and its accompanying mesocotyl initially elongates toward the direction of the dent end of the kernel. The position of the kernel in the furrow with respect to the embryo face therefore directly influences the initial location where the coleoptile emerges. If the kernel lands with the embryo face down in the furrow, the coleoptile emerges on the bottom side of the kernel, elongates horizontally until the mesocotyl "clears" the end of the kernel, then finally begins its upward ascent. Such an “upside-down” beginning might contribute to a seedling’s susceptibility to other corkscrewing causal factors.
Restricted Emergence: Corkscrewed mesocotyl/coleoptile development can occur when the coleoptile encounters resistance as the mesocotyl elongates. Severe soil crusting or otherwise dense soil surface and cloddy soil surfaces can cause such resistance. A combination of severe sidewall compaction plus press wheel compaction over the furrow can also restrict coleoptile emergence and force the mesocotyl to elongate in unusual directions.
Cold Soils: Cold soils and/or wide fluctuations in soil temperatures throughout the day during the emergence process are also thought to be major contributing factors for the development of "corkscrewed" mesocotyl development (Buckle & Grant, 1974). The nature of the cold temperature injury appears to be damage to the outer surface layers of the mesocotyl. The elasticity of the damaged tissue is less than healthy tissue. The "corkscrew" elongation of the mesocotyl occurs when the tissue damage occurs unevenly around the circumference of the mesocotyl. The exact minimum soil temperatures that can cause such corkscrewed development are not clearly documented, but clearly it is not uncommon in Indiana for daily soil temperatures to dip as low as 40F (4.5C) during April and early May. Furthermore, bright sunny days can elevate bare soil temperatures quite high but still drop quite low the following night and thus result in a wide diurnal fluctuation in soil temperatures. Dry soils would be more prone than wetter soils to wide swings in daily soil temperatures.
Imbibitional Chilling Injury: Cold temperature injury that results in corkscrewed mesocotyls is not exactly the same as that which is referred to as "imbibitional chilling" injury. The latter refers to cold injury to the seed that occurs during the first 24 to 36 hours after planting as the dry seed imbibes (aka absorbs) water. The seed naturally swells in response to the imbibition of water. Cold seed cell tissue is less elastic and subject to rupturing as the seed swells. The threshold seed tissue temperature below which imbibitional chilling injury may occur is not clearly defined in the research literature, but appears to be temperatures cooler than 50F (10C). The most common symptom of imbibitional chilling damage is often simply swollen seed with little to no evidence of sustained germination progress. In contrast, seedlings with corkscrewed mesocotyls probably germinated successfully and subsequently experienced cold temperature injury to the mesocotyl tissue that interfered with normal mesocotyl elongation.
Pictured above: Loogootee High School 2022 senior and ten-year Martin County 4-H member Tucker Walton received an Indiana 4-H foundation Scholarship on May 22nd. Presenting the award in recognition of Tucker’s outstanding overall 4-H achievement, was Dena Held of Purdue Extension. Tucker excels as a 4-H member both in the community and the show ring!