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DIY Lawncare Signature Program

Do you want to know how to have a greener, healthier lawn? Join us for this series where you will receive information on essential turf basics needed to lay the groundwork for creating, establishing, and maintaining your lawn.

 Who should join? • Homeowners • Property Renters • Homeowner Associations

What will I learn? Session 1: Basics of Taking Care of Lawns Session 2: Lawn Pests and Problems Session 3: Weed Identification and Management Session 4: Seeding Establishment and Lawn Renovation

When: Sept. 15, 22, 29, and Oct. 6th from 5:30-7:30pm eastern

Where: Purdue Extension-Knox County Office (4259 N Purdue Rd. Vincennes, 47591)

Program fee: $10 (Mail checks to the Purdue Extension-Knox County Office and make checks payable to Purdue CED Education Fund-Knox County

Registration: Register by Sept. 8th @

Questions? Call 812-882-3509 or email

Click the Link:



If you are in need of accommodations to attend this program, please contact Valerie Clingerman prior to the meeting at 812-882-3509, by Sept. 8


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