Hancock County 4-H Rabbit Club - Planned Meeting Dates for 2021
Hancock County 4H Rabbit Club
March 23, Tuesday – Meeting for all 4-H rabbit members and Mini 4H members 6:30 until 7:30. This will be an orientation for all members. We will review rules and dates for this year. Information will also be provided on purchasing 4-H rabbits.
April 12, Monday – Meeting for all 4-H rabbit members (No mini’s) 6:30 until 8:00. We will discuss the Rabbit Poster project and how to make great 4-H posters. We will also discuss basic handling and the rabbit Ambassador Contest. This meeting with also be the Election of officers. Members in grades 6 and above should bring their information sheet for the officer election. You must be in attendance to be elected.
May 1, Saturday – REQUIRED for all 4-H rabbit members (but not mini’s). All rabbits to be shown must be verified and the Rabbit Ownership forms submitted. All rabbits will be checked for correct breed and variety identification. This will be the only time to tattoo rabbits for the show except for meat pens and fryers. Rabbits already tattooed should also be brought to check for correctness of the tattoo and breed information. You must contact one of the project leaders in advance if you will not be able to have your rabbits at this check in. Forms will not be accepted at the Purdue Extension office. The $5 program fee will be collected at this time. (Rabbits may be brought to check in by a parent or responsibly party.) Please come prepared with tattoo numbers planned and assigned to the rabbits. To allow for social distancing, if the rabbits to be shown are already tattooed, there will be an express lane and a leader will come to the vehicle for rabbit verification. You will not need to bring the rabbit inside the building. For rabbits needing to be tattooed, there will be an on-line sign-up sheet with appointment slots. Details to follow.
May 13, Thursday – Meeting for Mini 4-H Rabbit Club members 6:30 until 7:30. Bring your rabbit so that we can practice handling to prepare for the show. We will also have workstations to make a practice poster. Advanced 4-H rabbit club members should to attend so that they may assist mini members.
May 18, Tuesday - Meeting for all 4-H rabbit members 7:00 until 8:30. We will have a demonstration on the show process, and discuss the rules for show, score sheets and awards. We will also discuss the Rabbit Ambassador Contest. Members may bring a rabbit for practicing showmanship and handling. (All parents are encouraged to attend this meeting.)
May 22, Saturday – Service Project to landscape flower beds near the rabbit barn from 9:00am until noon.
June 03, Thursday - Meeting for Mini 4-H Rabbit Club members 6:00 until 6:45. Bring your rabbit so that we can practice handling to prepare for the show. We will also have workstations to make a practice poster. Advanced 4-H rabbit club members should to attend so that they may assist mini members.
June 03, Thursday – Ice cream social for all members, including mini 4H members from 6:45 until 7:15.
June 03, Thursday - Meeting for all 4-H rabbit members 7:15 until 8:30. Members preparing a Rabbit Poster may bring the poster for evaluation and suggestions. We will also practice showmanship and proper rabbit handling. Bring a rabbit.
June 14, Monday - Rabbit Posters are due at the Exhibit Hall for judging. Please see the exhibit hall schedule.
Mini 4-H posters may be dropped off at the fairgrounds anytime during 4-H project judging.
June 14, Monday - Rabbit Ambassador Contest starting at 6:00pm at the Fairgrounds. Members should bring a rabbit for showmanship and a pencil or pen to complete the written exam. Parents will assist in setting up the rabbit exhibit area.. This is the only time that the Rabbit Ambassador contest will be offered. No test will be offered early or as make up.
June 20, Sunday – Rabbit Show check-in for both Mini and regular 4H members from 8:30am until 9:30am
- Mini 4H rabbit show will begin at 9:40
- Meat Pen and Fryer judging will begin at 10:00
- 4H Rabbit show to begin following Mini 4H rabbit show
June 21, Monday – 6:30 Rabbit awards program for 4H members at the 4H Bowl. Families Welcome!
June 25, Friday – Rabbits released from fair exposition at 10:00am followed by barn clean up. Members are expected to assist in cleaning the barn. Rabbits are NOT released from the fair on Thursday, June 24th during the general livestock release.
This information can be downloaded in a PDF below. Dates are subject to change so please keep an eye out for emails or this page for updated information!