When does a farmer need to have a Category 14 (Fertilizer Management) Certification?
1.) If a farmer is applying commercial fertilizer (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) on his own fields, there is no need for a certification.
2.) If a farmer is applying manure not from a Confined Feeding Operation, there is no need for a certification.
3.) If a famer is applying less than 10 cubic yards of manure from a Confined Feeding Operation, there is no need for a certification.
4.) If a farmer is applying more than 10 cubic yards of manure from a Confined Feeding Operation, they will need Category 14 Certification and to keep the proper records.
5.) If a farmer is applying to someone else’s land, they need a Category 14 certification and they will need to apply for a commercial For Hire license as well as a business license.
Category 14 includes: Commercial for-hire fertilizer applicators and businesses using commercial fertilizers or manure from a confined feeding operation (CFO) in the production of agricultural crops.
Here’s the web page with more information: https://www.oisc.purdue.edu/pesticide/fert_app_cert_rule.html