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4-H Livestock & Companion Animal

4-H Livestock & Companion Animals Project Information

Identification * Requirements * 4HOnline Instructions * Tagging Information * All Other Show Info


Record Sheet, Vaccination Forms, & Additional Information for Livestock & Companion Animals see "4-H Youth Forms" Page.


Livestock Identification

Besides the enrollment of the 4-h'er, 4-H livestock must also be identified by a specific date.  Most livestock are identified on the 4HOnline system (  Contact the Extension Office with any questions about county paper forms.  Livestock identification deadlines are announced each year, this year they have made changes to the deadlines.  So make sure you check the following dates:


Beef (Steers & Commercial Heifers) - May 15                                        Poultry - May 15

Beef (Registered Heifers) - May 15                                                          Rabbit - May 15

Dairy - May 15                                                                                           Sheep - May 15

Dog - May 15                                                                                             Swine - May 15

Goats - May 15

Horse & Pony - May 15


4HOnline Instructions

2021 Animals Online Identification

Rabbit Online Identification - NEW 2021 


2021 Livestock/Companion Animal Requirements





Horse & Pony






Ear Tagging Information

If you don't know if your animal needs an ear tag or a tattoo please see these links

2021 Decatur County Ear Tag Identification

2021 State Ear Tag Identification


Board of Animal Health Requirements

2021 BOA Requirements

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