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Clay County Extension Board Annual Dinner Meeting

DATE:  Thursday, January 20, 2022
LOCATION:  Clay County Fairgrounds – Exhibit Hall
TIME:  6:30 p.m.
FEATURED SPEAKER:  Dr. Casey Mulls, 4-H Youth Development Program Leader and the Cooperative Extension Service Assistant Director

The Extension Board Annual Dinner serves as the end of the year celebration of all the impact that Purdue Extension has made in Clay County related to the four program areas of: 4-H Youth Development, Ag & Natural Resources, Community Development, and Health & Human Sciences.  This year, the speaker for the evening will be: Dr. Casey Mulls, 4-H Youth Development Program Leader and the Cooperative Extension Service Assistant Director.

We are fortunate to have such wonderful community supporters and they are very much appreciated. Tickets for this event are $5 and you can purchase them by contacting the Clay County Extension Office at 812-448-9041. At that time, we would appreciate it if you could tell us who will be representing your party at the annual dinner.

Alice Romas, Extension Board President, will preside over the meeting. Four people will need to be elected to serve on the Extension Board for a three-year term. Those running for election include Christy Casassa, Joe Gerber, Chet Cooprider and Crissy Lawson.

If inclement weather would arise on January 20th, please watch channels 2, 10, 38 and listen to Hi 99.9 to see if the Extension Board Annual Dinner is postponed.

Please contact the Clay County Extension Office with your reservations at 812-448-9041 by January 14th so we can give the caterer an accurate number.  You may pay for the tickets at the door.


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