Turn in your completed record sheet to your 4-H Club Leader or the Extension Office by the required date.
Youth will learn basic information about weather and climate science, including what causes variations in weather and why we have different seasons and climates on the earth. In this project you will observe and record weather conditions and learn weather symbols.
Exhibit Introduction
Create an exhibit that shows the public what you learned in the weather and climate project this year. Poster exhibits must be displayed horizontally, sized 22" x 28" foam-core board or poster board mounted on a firm backing, and covered in clear plastic or other transparent material. Notebook exhibits must be displayed in a standard three ring binder. Choose one of the options listed below, appropriate for your grade in school. Use an appropriate exhibit title. Be sure to include a label with your name, grade, 4-H club, and county in the lower right hand corner.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3