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Clover Chronicle July/August 2024

We hope everyone is recovering and taking some time for themselves after the county fair. We had a little over 1,000 exhibit hall projects and 734 animals! We were excited to see all of the work our 4-Hers put into their projects this year.
Some of you are preparing for the state fair! You can find directions for project drop off and pick up in the following pages. For everyone else, it is hard to believe it is over. Now it's time to prepare for next year! As a reminder, 4-H Enrollment for 2025 will be opening up on October 1 ! Get signed up early so you can stay up to date on everything happening! Also, you can start on your projects for next year now!
Don't miss out on the fun workshops and events happening in July and August! If you have ideas for a program or event, please let us know.
We would like to thank everyone who stepped up before, during and after the County Fair to help. It was greatly appreciated and we could not have done it without your help. THANK YOU!
All the best, Rebecca and Stephenie

Clover Chronicle - July/August 2024 PDF

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