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Camp Counselors Demonstrate Leadership and Teamwork Across Differences

Social and emotional competencies are important for positive youth development. CDC data show poor mental health can result in negative outcomes for adolescent health and development. It can lead to risky sexual behavior, illicit substance use, pregnancy, truancy/school dropout, and other concerns. High schoolers (37%) experience persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. High school students engage n transportation risk behaviors, including not always wearing a seat belt (43%) and texting/emailing while driving (39%).

Indiana 4-H delivered 14 Camp Counselor Training programs addressing social and emotional development, leading a team and teamwork (communication, interpersonal, and diversity). Six programs were in counties and eight were in collaborative regions/areas.

As a result, 410 youth reported they could lead a team, indicating they make sure that everyone in the group feels important (94%), are good at planning how to do something (92%), try to change something when they see something that is wrong (91%), feel they can stand up for what they think is right, even if their friends disagree (89%), try to get their friends to work on something with them (83%), and are pretty good at organizing a team of kids to do a project (83%).

  • 406 youth reported on professional communication skills, indicating they can resolve differences with others in a positive way (90%), ensure that others understand the message that they project (88%), communicate their skills and qualifications (88%), tailor their message depending on the situation (85%), and are aware of their body language and non-verbal communication (82%).
  • 405 youth indicated they can work with others to create goals (95%), think about the expectations of others when they contribute to a team (92%), resolve conflicts in positive ways (91%), and work with others when goals are uncertain (84%).
  • 403 youth reported they respect the differences and strengths of individuals on the team (95%), encourage other team members to give their best effort (93%), think they have something to contribute to the team (92%), think everyone on the team is important (92%), and work to build a team that includes people with different points of view (91%).
More than 400 youth in Indiana 4-H Camp Counselor Training programs demonstrated leadership and teamwork capabilities for communication, interpersonal skills, and collaboration across differences. Indiana will be a better place as youth apply these leadership and teamwork skills in and for our communities.
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