WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Shelby Gruss, Purdue Agronomy postdoctoral researcher, will share results from a 2021 calf performance trial at the Indiana Forage Council’s annual meeting and seminar on Feb. 24. The trial compared conventional sorghum-sudangrass hybrid grazing with a dhurrin-free sorghum-sudangrass.
The annual meeting begins at 4 p.m. ET at SureTech Laboratories, 7501 Miles Drive in Indianapolis. In addition to Gruss’ presentation, Devon Churchill, the 2021 Indiana Forage Council spokesperson, will share his perspective on farm management and rotational grazing. Attendees also will tour SureTech Laboratories.
The registration fee is $20 per individual. Register by contacting Elysia Rodgers at eberry@purdue.edu or 260-925-2562 by Feb. 21. New and current membership dues can be paid at the event.