Team Sports

Description: Team Sports will provide an avenue for 4-H members to learn to work together to achieve a goal. 4-H Team sports exhibits need to be educational in nature. They need to teach others about your topic. All team sports exhibits are displayed horizontally 22” x 28” and mounted on a firm backing and covered in plastic. Notebooks can be submitted. List/ Cite sources used for images and information.

Level A: Grades 3 & 4-

Choose one of the following projects:

  1. Show on a poster or in a notebook one sport you participated in and tell why you liked it.
  2. Present the objectives and rules for the sport you participated in on a poster or in a notebook.
  3. Give information on what is meant by good sportsmanship and exhibit ways you can show it on a poster or in a notebook.
  4. Watch one team sport and exhibit what you learned about it on a poster or in a notebook.

Level B: 5th and 6th Grades:

Choose one of the following projects:

  1. Exhibit a poster or notebook on your team sport, giving rules and skills needed for the game.
  2. Exhibit a poster or notebook about a famous team sports player.
  3. Exhibit a poster or notebook showing equipment needed for your team sport.
  4. Research what Special Olympics are and exhibit a poster or notebook about your findings.

Level C: Grades 7-9

Choose one of the following projects:

  1. Exhibit a poster or notebook on your team sport, giving rules and skills needed for the game.
  2. Exhibit a poster or notebook on warm-up exercises you can do before playing your team sport and why its important.
  3. Exhibit a poster or notebook on the most common accidents that occur in your team sport and show treatment for them.
  4. Exhibit a poster or notebook on the different positions played on your team sport.

Level D: Grades 9-12

Choose one of the following projects:

  1. Exhibit a poster of your team sport giving rules and skills needed .
  2. Research the history of your team sport and exhibit a poster of what you learned .
  3. Exhibit notebook or poster to show some basic tips to prevent injuries while playing your team sport.
  4. Exhibit notebook or poster to diagram and design one offensive team strategy for your team sport.

Independent Study- Grades 9-12

Advanced topic- Learn all you can about a team sport of your choice and present it on a poster or in a notebook.

Mentoring: exhibit a poster or notebook that shows how you mentored a younger 4-H member. Include your planning timeline, hours spent, challenges, and advantages of mentoring. Include how you felt about the experience and what you learned through it.