Pike County Purdue Extension is Hiring

We are in search of a 4-H Youth Development/Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator for Pike County! If you, or someone you know, would like to join our fun, energetic team, find the application information below!


Contact Us

Pike County- Purdue Extension
801 E Main St., Suite 101
Petersburg, IN 47567
(812) 354-6838

4-H Youth Development/Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Educator

Extension Educators provide the link between Land Grant University research and Indiana residents by creating innovative learning opportunities that address local issues. Dedicated to helping improve the quality of life for current and future residents, Educators collaborate with local, county and state agencies, partner organizations, businesses and schools to analyze needs, develop, implement and oversee vibrant and sustainable research based educational programs, and provide resources and expertise to the local community.

For more information about the position and where to apply, click here