Meet Rebecca Klein

What's your favorite aspect of working with our team?

I like seeing PEMC Educators connect with the community.

What's one goal you hope to accomplish with the team this year?

I hope to facilitate progress on accessibility for our programs.

What motivates you to do your best work every day?

I like helping other people get stuff done. At my best, I like to get things done efficiently and creatively to solve problems.

What's one unique skill or hobby you bring to the team?

I am a pretty versatile cook and enjoy trying new recipes regularly.

If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Compassionate, serious, caring


If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

If I had a superpower, I would like to be able to shrink things and bring them back to full size. My daughter gave me this idea- and it would be GREAT for me because I am a chronic overpacker and someone who always has at least two tote bags going!

What's a book or podcast you'd recommend to your teammates?

Daily pick me up- "It's going to be OK" podcast.


What's something you're passionate about outside of work?

I am passionate at pediatric cancer research.

Purdue Extension Marion County
Director of Operations