4-H Open Shows & Workshops
Below is a running list of Open Shows, Workshops, and other activities happening in lawrence county and other surrounding counties.
We will update this list as we receive information.
Open Shows & Additional Learning Opportunities- Livestock
None at this time.
None at this time.
May 5- Limestone Capital Dairy Showcase @Lawrence County 4-H Fairgrounds
None at this time.
None at this time.
June 5-8: Lawrence County 4-H Horse Camp
none at this time.
none at this time.
May 25- Lawrence County Sheep Open SHow- @Lawrence County 4-H Fairgrounds
May 3- Lawrence County 4-H Swine Open SHow @Lawrence County 4-H Fairgrounds
May 12- Jefferson County Classic Open Swine Show @Jefferson County Fairgrounds: Download show flyer