Keep up to date on announcements, dates, procedures, on https://www.facebook.com/LagrangeCounty4HPoultryClub/
Exhibit may be bird exhibits, poster, interactive demonstration or combination.
Poultry Level 1 - Grades 3 - 5
Poultry Level 2 - Grades 6 - 8
Poultry Level 3 - Grades 9 - 12
- One or more birds fed and cared for by the member, a poster, or an interactive demonstration. Members are encouraged to exhibit one or more bird and offer the additional choices for those with extenuating circumstances preventing them from showing an actual bird.
- Completion of 2 of the suggested activities in the member’s age appropriate workbook.
- Completion of the poultry record sheet for the member’s entire flock. Note: The poultry record sheet is different than the livestock record sheet and is on the CD and the Purdue Extension web page to print at your convenience.
Due dates
- Workbook and record sheet are due on the scheduled date for 4-H Fair Set-Up. This is typically the Tuesday before the fair.
- Birds and posters are due on opening day of the fair.
- An interactive demonstration will be scheduled at a convenient time for the member and poultry committee.
- Workbooks and record sheets are required in order to exhibit. Any extenuating circumstance will be reviewed by the committee on an individual basis.
Bird Requirements for Exhibition
- Must test negative for pullorum-typhoid within 90 days prior to the date of the exhibition and provide an Indiana Poultry Exhibitor Form. Blood testing is offered each year through the committee or you can acquire your own facility to do it for you and accompanied by the Indiana Poultry Exhibit form. (Form can be found at https://extension.purdue.edu/lagrange/article/1672 or from your poultry leader.)
- Originate from an NPIP approved flock or NPIP originated eggs. A copy of the NPIP form from the hatchery of origin or a receipt that includes the NPIP stamp/label and a Indiana Poultry Exhibitor form must be provided.
- Birds hatched prior to Jan 1 of the current year must have proof of negative result for pullorum-typhoid within 90 days prior to exhibition. (blood test)
- Exceptions to the above requirements are waterfowl, pigeons, and doves.
- Proof of Hatching date must be provided for birds hatched in current year. This is usually on the purchase receipt or packaging.
- No poultry may be exhibited showing signs of infection, communicable disease, or external parasites. All poultry will be examined by the committee prior to being allowed in the poultry barn.
- Information on poultry health requirements can be acquired at the Indiana State Board of Animal Health at (317)227-0320.
- Members must have possession of their birds a minimum of 5 weeks prior to the show.
- Hens with Chicks will NOT be exhibited.
Other Member Requirements and Information
- All pens are assigned by the superintendent.
- Proper care of the birds is required. This includes feed, water, and pen cleanliness. Birds not receiving proper care may be disqualified from the auction and/or 4-H completion. Members are responsible for providing for their bird’s needs 2 x daily or more frequently if necessary.
- Volunteerism is expected of each member. The committee will make members aware of things that volunteers are needed for as they become available. Sign-up sheets for a variety of opportunities will be made available.
- Attending meetings is expected of each member. One poultry club meeting is expected for completion of the project.
- 4-H Livestock Auction is for meat production animals only. Champion and Reserve Champion birds will sell first. Numbers will be drawn on opening day of fair to determine the auction order for remaining meat production poultry members that desire to auction their birds.
- Show day requirements - All members must be in attendance and able to present their birds unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance through the poultry superintendent.
- A bird may be entered in only one class.
- Birds are judged according to the American Standard of Perfection as authorized by the American Poultry Association.
- Clean birds are expected.
- Proper attire for show day
- Long sleeved white shirt or poultry club shirt or lab coat;
- Long pants- preferably dark and free of holes or tears;
- Closed toe shoes- no sandals, flip flops, etc.;
- Show number pinned to the back of the shirt or lab coat.
Poultry Divisions
Champion and Reserve champion ribbons will be awarded for each specie in each class with a best of show awarded for each class. Example: The champion and reserve meat chickens will compete against the champion and reserve ducks, turkeys, and geese for an overall winner for the Meat Production Class. The same goes for Egg Production and Breed Class competitions.
- Meat Production Class (May be sold at Auction) (Only one entry per species)
- Chickens – Pullets Class and Rooster Class
- To show in this class, exhibitors must obtain show birds from the same flock purchased by the poultry committee.
- Members will exhibit two birds of the same sex (limit of one class per member).
- Turkeys- Hens Class and Toms Class
- Members exhibit one bird that is 16-18 weeks old at the time of the 4-H show.
- Proof of hatch date is required.
- Ducks
- To show in this class, exhibitors must obtain show birds from the same flock purchased by the poultry committee.
- Members will exhibit one bird of either sex.
- Geese
- Exhibit one gosling of either sex that was hatched after March 1 of the current year.
- Proof of hatch date is required.
- Egg Production Class (Only one entry per class)
- Pullets
- Exhibit 2 matching birds that are 16-18 weeks old.
- Proof of hatch date required.
- Hens
- Exhibit two matching birds that are more than 18 weeks old.
- Proof of hatch date or if more than a year old, negative blood test required.
III. Breed/Fancy Class (Only one entry per class)
* All fancy birds will be in a class of their own species.
* It is recommended that fancy birds be fully developed/mature for exhibition as immature/young birds do not adequately represent their standard.
Exhibit options for each specie/class (unless otherwise noted)
- One Male Bantam
- One Male Standard Size
- One Female Bantam
- One Female Standard
Matched pair of one female and one male
- Chickens
- Bantam
- Standard
- Ducks
- Bantam (call ducks)
- Standard
- Turkeys
- Geese
- Peacocks
- Game Birds – Exhibit one bird
- *Pheasant and Quail must have their own carrier.
- NOTE: According to Indiana law, if you acquire a live game bird (ring-necked pheasant, bobwhite quail, including subspecies and color phases) or purchase a live game bird, you must apply for a game breeder’s license with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) within 5 days. The possession of wild turkeys or ruffed grouse is prohibited under any circumstances. More information can be found on the CD or on the Purdue Extension web page. https://extension.purdue.edu/lagrange/article/1672
- Guineas
- Pigeons and Doves
- All pigeons and doves must have their own carrier
- Showmanship
Showmanship is a way for members to show their knowledge of poultry. It is a separate division and ribbons and awards are independent from the other divisions. Participants are expected to wear their show attire during showmanship. Winners advance one level only and do not compete at a lower level again.
First Year Showman- first year members in 3rd or 4th grades
Junior Showman- Grades 5-8 and the winner of the first-year showman
Senior Showman- Grades 9 -12 and the winner of the Junior Showman if they were not also the first-year showman.
Premier Showman- Represents 4-H Poultry in the Small All-Around Showmanship Competition.