You might hear someone say that they are “insurance poor” meaning they are covered by any conceivable calamity that could befall themselves or their possessions but are paying a pretty penny to ensure that risk coverage. We have car insurance, home or renter’s insurance, health insurance, personal property insurance and even accident insurance. If you are a farmer you also have crop insurance and insurance for machinery, among others. We even pay for insurance on something that is unrefutably irreplaceable: our life. But, what are we doing to safeguard and insure our mental wellbeing?
The Midwest tends to embody the “pull it up by the bootstraps” mentality. This is good for instilling a strong work ethic and resilience to overcoming barriers. This is bad when it prevents us from reaching out for help or admitting we are struggling because we erroneously perceive that as weakness. Quite the contrary, many would argue that asking for help is a sign of strength because we are willing to admit that we are part of a community that is bigger than us alone and that we do not, in fact, have all the answers.
If you feel like your mental health challenges are interfering with your life, work, play, or family, then reaching out for professional help is a great place to start. But, if you just need a few coping tools to help you get through those stressful days or if you just haven’t been able to get over the stigma of reaching out for professional help, here are some tips that can help. We can’t buy insurance to guarantee our mental wellness, but if we regularly make time to practice stress-busting activities it’s like money in the bank to cushion us when the really hard times hit. And, cheaper than premiums!
For more information and resources on strategies to support your mental wellness visit
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