
I've experienced a better understanding of the impact that stress has on our bodies, and I am much more confident in communicating with someone who is experiencing stress.

I feel more confident in identifying the signs and symptoms of stress in someone else, and where I can send them to receive help.

I learned to pay more attention to how stress can affect my body, as well as how to take a negative thought and turn it in to a positive (self-talk).

Identifying Signs of Emotional Distress Program:

I learned the difference between empathizing and sympathizing with someone. To empathize is to feel the same emotions the other person feels and understanding why they feel that way. Your words, actions and how you convey yourself to someone in distress can be their making or breaking and I think this could be used both personally and professionally. I also learned a good breathing technique that helps release tension and reduce stress.

Learning About Farmers and Farming Workshop:

This workshop gave me a better understanding of the economic impacts and stresses our ag producers are facing.