Enrollment is now open for Vigo County 4-H! 4HOnline has been upgraded for all enrollments for 4-H members and volunteers at https://v2.4honline.com/. The site will look a bit different but, you will use your same login information. Step-by-step instructions have been attached below. Feel free to contact the Extension Office at 812-462-3371 with any questions or email Sara or Tabby.
Vigo County School Corporation sent a flyer promoting 4-H enrollment through Peach Jar. With the wide variety of projects and events, there's something for everyone with 4-H! We are busy working on new programs held both in-person and virtually that will provide safe educational opportunities for our members.
Enrolling as a Returning Adult Volunteer
Enrolling as a new adult volunteer
Enrolling as a returning youth member