Due to COVID-19 Vigo County 4-H Livestock Shows were open to the 4-H members and immediate family members along with 4-H volunteers. Purdue Hall of Music Productions live streamed shows on the Purdue Extension-Vigo County YouTube channel to provide our supporters an opportunity to view the shows. The shows are now uploaded for viewing at anytime. Virtual entries were also evaluated by our judges and are available for viewing. Link to YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtxNnIfxCXgp0uQCLvXqhQ.
Live Stream Schedule: *end times are estimates
Horse & Pony Day 1 7/11 8am-2pm https://youtu.be/5zCiryRqQBE
Horse & Pony Day 2 7/12 8am-2pm https://youtu.be/NdIBho4JK-w and https://youtu.be/XGuvTeAWbiM
Poultry 7/13 10am-12pm https://youtu.be/EUlCKUI_DcY
Sheep 7/13 5pm-8pm https://youtu.be/ViQrEG7SaNY
Swine 7/14 8am-3pm https://youtu.be/FQ3HjPe_2oo
Alpaca & Llama 7/14 6pm-9pm https://youtu.be/89NvMD8o3x4
Goats 7/15 8am-11:30 am https://youtu.be/z4X1DsKKjZQ
Beef 7/16 10am-3pm https://youtu.be/IiwHKszWUwY
Dairy Steers 7/16 5pm-6pm https://youtu.be/Vxp1DRvr3Hw
Rabbits 7/17 5pm-9pm https://youtu.be/QsQo-jBsS-E
Virtual Entry Results:
Beef Heifers, Beef Steers, and Dairy Steers: https://youtu.be/jNayG3lwhsE
Goats: https://youtu.be/gVriKBeedmk
Horses: https://youtu.be/kB4d1rBWNj4
Poultry: https://youtu.be/7luBRaZd1es
Rabbits: Download display below.
Sheep: https://youtu.be/FJzQ2kJNPKw
Swine: https://youtu.be/hXGmU8AKpgQ