The recorded Zoom sessions were targeted for middle or high school students, but parents and younger students are welcome to learn more. There is about 45 minutes of content and viewer questions were answered.
• Session 1-Vet School 101, presented March 24, 2020. Take a look at what it takes to be accepted and complete Purdue Veterinary School. Admission requirements, application process, program completion of Purdue's College of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Veterinary Medicine are discussed. Participants also learn about job placement, salary, and educational debt. The Purdue Veterinary Nursing program is briefly discussed. Additional resources and related 4-H events are promoted. Participants answer Q & A facts and ask their own questions.
• Session 2- Exploring Careers in Animal Science presented March 26, 2020. A variety of animal science careers that others have gone on to enjoy are highlighted. Purdue's Animal Science undergraduate program area's of concentration are discussed. The outlook for animal science careers is covered. Highlighted careers include: veterinarian, vet assistant, lawyer, nutritionist, meat inspector, wildlife conservationist, and more! Additional resources and related 4-H events are promoted.
If you have follow up questions about any of the material please contact Sara Haag at