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Happy 2022! Best wishes for a healthy new year!
Behavior Change is a Gradual Process
As we begin this new year, are you all about encouraging positive behavior change to improve health and personal finances? According to a leading theory, personal behavior changes, such as saving money and losing weight, take place in defined stages over a period of time.
This theory, called the Transtheoretical Model of Change, has been applied to a variety of behaviors including weight control, addictions (e.g., smoking) and changes in financial behavior (e.g., reduced spending).
According to the Transtheoretical Model, there are five major stages of change:
The Transtheoretical Model also defines several major processes of change that relate to one or more of the behavioral change steps. In the pre-contemplation and contemplation stages, a key process is consciousness-raising or raised awareness. An example is that news stories about the benefits of saving small dollar amounts on a regular basis might cause a person to think, “I should save some money.”
The emotional arousal process is a sudden emotional experience related to a behavioral change that is experienced on a deep, feeling level. Emotional arousal is a powerful change agent whether the behavior being changed is drunk driving, lung cancer and smoking, or reducing interest costs by paying more than the minimum due on credit cards.
Self-reevaluation is another change process. This means thoughtfully assessing a problem and what could happen if your conquer it. In other words, imagining how your life could be better if you changed your behavior. For example, “If I start to save, I could have a better life when I am older.”
Commitment takes place during the preparation stage of change. Here, people acknowledge that “if it is to be, it’s up to me.” An example of commitment is “I will save $25 per paycheck.” At the action stage of change, countering is an important process. This means substituting a healthy response (e.g., saving $3 per day) for an unhealthy one (e.g., spending $3 on lottery tickets).
Another action stage process in environmental control. This means restructuring your environment to reduce the probability of a problem-causing event. An example is signing up for a mutual fund automatic savings plan (e.g., $50 per month) so money can be invested in fund shares before it is spent.
Personal change is hard and it doesn't happen just because we want it to. Most successful changes require persistence, positive thoughts, and a strong support system. Are you ready to make changes in your health habits, interpersonal relationships, or finances? Additional information about the Transtheoretical Model of Change can be found in the book Changing For Good by Prochaska, Norcross, and DiClemente.
Source: Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Indiana Extension Homemakers Association
Sullivan County president’s message
Thank you to all who attended the 2021 Christmas Bazaar. It was a great success and all the more special since it was the fiftieth anniversary of the annual “Goodie Book.”
Homemakers are now able to read to the children in Head Start monthly in addition to giving each child a book.
The New Year brings promise of an exciting year ahead-community projects, learning experiences and ,of course, the fair.
Happy New Year.
To learn how to become a member of Sullivan County Extension Homemakers, call 812-268-4332.
Diabetes Prevention: 5 Tips for Taking Control
Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and prevention is very important. It's especially important if you're at increased risk due to being overweight or you have a family history of the disease, or you have been diagnosed with prediabetes (also known as impaired fasting glucose). Changing your lifestyle could be a big step toward diabetes prevention.
It's never too late to take small steps to prevent this chronic disease. Follow these five tips:
The American Diabetes Association recommends blood glucose screening if you are age 45 or older. An overweight adult of any age, with one or more additional risk factors for diabetes, such as a family history of diabetes, a personal history of prediabetes or an inactive lifestyle, should be screened every three years. Making a few simple changes now may help you avoid serious future health complications such as nerve, kidney and heart damage.
Source: Rutgers Cooperative Extension
4-H member and volunteer enrollment is open
Enroll online at
Need help registering? Call the Extension office at 812-268-4332.
Adult Volunteers—It’s time for you to re-enroll for the year at Complete volunteer training by viewing several videos and answering questions. Please allow 45-60 minutes to complete the volunteer training this year.
4-H Important Dates
4-H Enrollment open: October 1, 2021-January 15, 2022
Jan. 13, 7 pm 4-H Council
Jan. 13, 7—8 pm Open House for 4-H Enrollment
Jan. 15, 9—11 am, Open House for 4-H Enrollment
Jan. 25, 2022 4-H scholarship application deadline
Start Planning for the 4-H year!
The new 4-H year is here! — October 1, 2021 through January 15, 2022 is sign-up time for the new year at Ask about projects that you might be interested in at 812-268-4332 or explore projects on our website at
Save the Date for these 2022 4-H Opportunities!
More information on these opportunities will be available at a later time. If you’re interested in learning more, contact Brooke for information. If you are a volunteer interested in chaperoning any of the trips below, please reach out to Brooke.
Save the Date for February 12 4-H Grows Volunteer Development Training in Putnam County. 4-H Grows is an area wide FUN volunteer training event. Join volunteers from Vigo to Monroe counties to learn about spicing up your club activities, cool opportunities for our youth in Indiana and beyond, and network with other great volunteers!
2022 Jr. Leader Meeting Dates:
Jan. 11, 7-8 pm—This meeting will be at Brown Baggers (31 N Court Street)
Feb. 8, 7-8 pm
March 8, 7-8 pm
April 12, 7-8 pm
May 10, 7-8 pm
June 14, 7-8 pm
Staying Informed: To receive text reminders, send @G4A2DG to 81010.
Sullivan County 4-H Minecraft Club
The Minecraft club will be meeting in January on January 10 and 24 from 6 to 7 PM. If you have a child interested in joining. Call the office or e-mail Brooke with the youth’s Minecraft username. Contact Brooke with any questions, or if there are any volunteers who want to help out at 812-268-4332 or
Sullivan County 4-H in the Classroom
Sullivan County 4-H Educators, Brooke and Cheryl, have different lessons available to be taught in K-12 classrooms. Do you want a STEM activity, mindfulness lesson, agriculture, health, or life skills topic? Contact our office at 812-268-4332 or e-mail and we’d be happy to discuss what options we have for the classroom
4-H Open Houses at Sullivan County 4-H Fairgrounds
Thursday, Jan. 13, 7-8 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 15, 9-11 a.m.
Fun activities for youth while parents get help with enrollment.
Inquire about volunteer opportunities
Join 4-H! Before January 15 Register or re-enroll at:
4-H: grades 3-12 v Mini 4-H: K-2
Meet with friends, have fun, learn new skills, prepare for future careers and hobbies, strengthen the community through service learning, and have life-changing experiences!
Registration is open for the 2022 Indiana Small Farm Conference – Indiana’s premier annual event for the state’s small and diversified farming community. The tenth annual conference and trade show will take place March 3-4, with $140 registration fee to get you full access to the fun, instructive, and growing experience.
A detailed conference schedule will be available in early 2022, and currently scheduled sessions are subject to change. For more information, or to sign up, visit the Indiana Small Farm Conference website:
Upcoming Purdue Extension Programs
Purdue’s Crop Management Workshop will be on Thursday, January 27. Attendees can choose to attend virtually or in-person at Purdue’s Beck Center. Contact Brooke if you’d like the link to register for the event. Category 1, 14, and RT CCHs, as well as CEU’s for Certified Crop Advisors will be offered.
Purdue Top Farmer Conference will take place virtually on January 7 from 10 AM to 3 PM via Zoom. Brooke can help you get registered, and can host you in the Extension office for any virtual Purdue program that you’d like to attend, just call 812-268-4332.
Forage Forum Fridays will be continuing into January! Sessions will be recorded, so if you cannot attend during the session, you will get access to the recording to watch on your own time. The January webinars will include topics on Marketing and Purchasing Hay, New Sorghum Genetics, Fertilizer Issues/Costs, and Determining Pasture/Building Rent. These sessions will continue through February. Register anytime to be added to the e-mail to get the webinar links and recordings.
Helpful Resources
If you are looking for any Purdue publications, Brooke can print you a copy for pickup or can mail it to your home.
We’ve had many calls from landowners on Cash Rent and Land Value. To get this information, you can go to the link below.
To see the 2021 Purdue Land Value and Cash Rent Update go
To see the 2021 Indiana Farm Custom Rates Update go to:
Purdue Crop Specialists have started a podcast with Hoosier Ag Today called “Purdue Crop Chat”. Find it on most streaming platforms.
Quick Update
Congratulations to Alli McKain on transitioning to a Resource Specialist role with ISDA. We are also excited to welcome Katie Marchino into the Sullivan Co. SWCD - District Coordinator role!
Note from Purdue Extension Specialists
Excerpt from Dan Quinn, Purdue Extension Corn Specialist on Corn Planting Considerations for 2022
Contact Brooke if you would like a copy of the full update.
The key to maximizing corn yield is largely driven by minimizing the impact of potential yield-limiting factors during the growing season. The moment the corn seed is moved into the planter and placed into the ground in the spring, yield-limiting factors begin to go to work to limit potential corn yield. Being able to identify your specific yield-limiting factors and how to manage them is an important step in producing consistent and high corn yields.
Choosing which upgrades or changes need to be made to your planter, starts by identifying specific planting or crop stand establishment issues you already have. There is no singular piece of equipment or technology that works for every farmer, in every field, and in every situation…. Lastly, it is also important every year to thoroughly examine, diagnose, and maintain the certain parts or problems the planter currently has. Improper maintenance and worn-out parts can cause planting issues as well, that frankly an upgrade in new technology may not help.
Synopsis from Purdue Weed Specialists on Herbicide Shortage: Alternative Spring Burndown/Postemergence Strategies When Herbicides Are In Short Supply
The two main active ingredients that we’re hearing about right now are glyphosate (Roundup, others) and glufosinate (Liberty, others), for which prices have increased substantially.
Burndown programs that deemphasize use of glyphosate – pros and cons.
Can be used in corn and soybeans
Sharpen + 2,4-D + metribuzin/atrazine (atrazine – corn only)
Strengths: good foliar and residual marestail control; good initial Palmer/waterhemp control; burndown and residual in one pass
Weakness: does not control grasses (atrazine control grass up to an inch when applied with oil); must wait 2 weeks to plant soybeans if mixed with flumioxazin or sulfentrazone product. Metribuzin rate for corn varies by soil type and is limited to a maximum of 5.33 oz of 75DF.
To register for Beef Basics go to:
Register for Annie’s project here