Important Notes from the Board of Director Meeting on January 20th
There will not be $3 dues for Junior Leaders this year. The meeting activities and committees were planned and are listed below. Contact Brooke with questions or ideas for additional committees or community service activities.
Upcoming Meeting Activities
Upcoming Leadership Activities
4-H Grows is a fun leadership development training for club leaders and Junior Leaders! Join Junior Leaders from across Southwest Indiana on February 12 from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM at the Cloverdale High School. Breakout sessions and roundtable discussion allows you to tailor the learning to your passions and have your voice be heard. Let Brooke know if you're interested in going, Junior Leaders can attend for free and can carpool with Brooke to the event, if needed.
Upcoming Community Service Opportunities
March 5- STEM Fest – We will need volunteers in 2 hour shifts from 9 AM to 3 PM
March 12- Ag Day- We will need 2 volunteers to help hand out manuals in the Extension office from 8 – 11 AM. We will need kitchen help (2 hour shifts available) – pouring drinks, sanitizing tables, handing out syrup and butter. Junior Leaders will host an Ag Facts scavenger hunt, and will provide candy for those who complete the activity – Volunteers will be needed in 2 hour shifts to run this booth also.
Mini 4-H Planning Committee
Treats for Farmers Committee
Buying/Delivering Food for Blessing Box Committee
Ag Day Committee- Plan the booth activity, come up with Ag Facts, buy candy, etc
A google sheet will be made to sign up for the committees and to volunteer at STEM Fest and Ag Day. This will be sent on the remind app and e-mailed to those signed up for Junior Leaders.