A Purdue Master Gardener Basic Training will be offered to Starke and Pulaski County residents on February 10 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM CST. The program will be offered at the Extension Offices in Knox and Winamac.
The Purdue Master Gardener program is designed to train volunteers to assist with horticultural education programs for Purdue Extension. Participants enter a specially designed training program in home horticulture. Upon completion of the training program, they are identified as Master Gardener interns. At that time, the volunteers are expected to extend the information in the areas of gardening and horticulture under the guidance of Purdue Extension to become certified Master Gardeners.
The Purdue Master Gardener basic training program will consist of 14 sessions. Topics covered are Soils and Plant Nutrition, Plant Science, Plant Disease Diagnosis, Insect Identification and Control, Weed Identification and Control, Ornamentals in the Landscape, Gardening for Wildlife, Lawn Care, Plant Propagation, Annuals and Perennials, and Pesticide Safety and Alternatives, and Fruits. Purdue Extension Specialists, and Extension Educators, will serve as instructors. The cost of the program is $150, which includes a manual and all materials.
Persons interested in registration information for the Master Gardener Program can visit https://tinyurl.com/2p8srphv or contact Purdue Extension Starke County at 574-772-9141 or Purdue Extension Pulaski County at 574-946-3412. cost is $150.