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Summer Community Adventures Reaches Youth with Education and Fun

What is Summer Community Adventures?

In partnership with David Turnham Education Center, Purdue Extension provides a day camp for K-6th grade  youth weekly on Thursdays for 8 weeks during the summer.  Youth attend SCA at no cost to the family and  participate in programs that provide educational opportunities they may not otherwise receive.

Community Partners

  • Owensboro Health provided a $7,000 grant to support produce bags and program operations.
  • North Spencer School Corporation identified youth in need of the program and had weekly teachers, assistants, and social worker on site to volunteer. Meeting space was provided at David Turnham and transportation was provided by NSSC and funded by local donors.
  • Financial Gifts were provided by Dale Optimists, Tretter Foundation, Dale Fall Fest, and Peace of Earth, LLC to fund transportation for youth to be transported to and from the program using NSSC busses.

Produce & "Bags of Blessings"

Produce bags were provided by a local produce farm each week for 35 families enrolled in the program.  2,450 pounds of produce were sent home with students each Thursday.  Youth participated in cooking  demonstrations with some fruits/vegetables and were provided additional recipes.  Bags of Blessings provided 3,200 pounds of non perishable food for each youth meant to provide food through the weekend. These are the same bags provided to students during the school year.


  • 52 youth enrolled in the program Transportation was provided for 24 youth to and from the program by NSSC
  • 245 hours provided by Extension staff planning and delivering programs
  • 252 hours donated by volunteers
  • 51 new youth enrolled in 4-H
  • 6 guest speakers provided educational class sessions (Mesker Zoo, beekeeping, yoga)
  • 18 separate education stations provided by volunteers and staff on topics of physical, emotional, and mental health

Thank you for taking good care of my child. That program is awesome! Thank you to everyone that was involved!

- Summer Community Adventures Parent

Program participant making a clover flower necklace
Participants enjoying a splash pad
Participants showing off produce they grew in the garden
Participants taking a break from a nature hike
Participants taking part in a food demonstration
Group photo in front of a school bus prior to a field trip
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