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Jr. Leaders

Pulaski County Junior Leaders is a 4-H county project and club for 4-H members in Grades 7-12.  Junior Leaders are youth volunteers who accept their responsibility to represent the Pulaski County 4-H Youth Development Program with dignity and pride by being positive role models for younger 4-H members.  They assist Adult 4-H Leaders with their local 4-H Club meetings, organize several community service events, and help with project check-in and judging at the fair. 

 Jr. Leaders 4-H Project Requirements 

The following are the requirements you will need to meet in order to complete the Jr. Leader project.

  • Be enrolled in 4-H for the current year
  • Be in 7th grade or above during the current school year.
  • Be enrolled in and complete at least one additional 4-H project.
  • Pay Jr. Leader club dues of $3.00 by the April meeting. (Late dues are $5.)
  • Attend at least 4 Jr. Leader 4-H Club meetings. Be sure to sign in at the meetings.
  • Attend, actively participate, and assist your 4-H Club Leader in your local 4-H Club meetings during the year.
  • Complete 6 activities in your local 4-H Club.
  • Your 4-H Club Leader MUST initial each activity & complete your evaluation.
  • Assist with Jr. Leader specific activities & FILL OUT REFLECTION ACTIVITY SHEETS in order to receive credit. Jr Division members (7 & 8) must complete 2 sheets and Sr Division (9 – 12) must complete 4 sheets.
  • Assist with project check-in and judging at our county fair.
  • Help raise funds for Jr. Leaders 4-H Club for community service projects & activities.
  • Achieve a minimum of 90 points from the recommended activities listed on the 4-H Jr. Leader Point System.
  • Turn in your completed 4-H Jr. Leader Manual, signed by your Adult 4-H Club Leader
    • To the 4-H Building by 4 P.M. on the last day of the Pulaski County 4-H Fair awards you 5 pts.
    • To an advisor or the Extension Office by the 31st of July
    • Turning in after July 31st will cost you 5 points for being late


 NOTE: At the Pulaski County 4-H Jr. Leader Advisor’s discretion, some 4-H Jr. Leaders may receive credit for completing the Jr.
Leaders 4-H project for missed requirements by requesting working extra assignments during pre-fair or fair.


Jr. Leader Advisors:

Karen Good

Theresa Calloway  


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