Hello, Merry Shoppers!
How are you feeling about your holiday spending? I’ll bet a few of you have already knocked a few gifts off your list. If you have made a holiday purchase, did you keep track of what you spent? If not, now is the time to set up a system for keeping track of all your holiday purchases. Once the gifts are given and the decorations are put away, you will want to look back at your expenses so you can determine whether you reached your saving goal and it will help you plan for next year’s expenses.
There are many ways that you can keep track of your expenses. Each method is simple, but in order to get an accurate measurement of your spending, you will want to make sure you record all expenses. Christmas Gift List Tracker and The Christmas Gift List are two of many gift tracking apps that you might find useful.
Personally, I’m old school. I use an envelope to keep track of my expenses and receipts. I have one envelope that I stash holiday receipts in. I list the amount, gift item and receiver on the outside of the envelope. Another envelope method is to have different envelopes for different stores or people. Again, make notes on the outside of the envelope for easy reference to how much you have spent. And no worries – I have attached an envelope example for you.
For some of you, making a spreadsheet of your own might be the best way to capture all your expenses. A very visual way to keep track of your purchases is to snap a picture of what you have purchased and the receipt. You can make a photo album on your phone and refer to it often.
Do you have another tracking method you like? Email my helper, Theresa (mahone27@purdue.edu), if you want to share it with others!
Just for fun, here are some not-so-usual gift ideas:
Have a happy Halloween weekend!