EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: The Ohio State Resource Handbook 4-H 194R
ACTIVITY REQUIRED: Complete list of questions prepared annually, complete YQCA, Livestock Record Sheet, and attend appropriate workshops.
DUE DATE: All record sheets and completed questions are due by 6p.m. the evening prior to the show to the superintendent. YQCA must be completed one week before fair.
ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS: Animals must be enrolled in 4HOnline by May 15th. All projects need to be enrolled in Fair Entry by July 1st.
DOCUMENT AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: Scrapie ID; properly identified, Premises ID, 4-HOnline enrollment by the appropriate date.
Taken from the “2021 Animal/Livestock Manual Requirements” on page 14 of the Periscope.
STATE FAIR ENTRY: Any member may exhibit, separate entry required. Be sure to follow appropriate deadlines.
- See General Health Requirements for all species as listed in Newton County Fair book. All animals must be healthy at the time of entry to the Newton County Fair to be eligible for exhibition. All animals must be identified and meet appropriate State Board of Animal Health requirements.
- All animals must be enrolled on the 4-H Sheep Identification form, identified, owned and under the care of the 4-H member by May 15. Registered ewes must be identified by a flock tag number or tattoo. All wethers and non-registered ewes must be individually identified under the supervision of the Superintendent and the Extension Staff at the start of the project. Animals will be identified by retinal scan and county ear tag name. All Commercial ewes going to the State Fair must be identified with a county ear tag.
- Market lambs and ewe lambs must have been dropped after September 1 of the previous year.
- Lambs being shown in the ewe class cannot be shown in the market lamb class.
- Purebred ewe classes will be shown by birth dates and not by weights.
- Purebred ewes entries will be sifted for breed character by committee member at time of entry. Registration papers are welcome but not required. To be eligible for the Indiana State Fair registration will be required for purebred ewes.
- Third year and above Sheep members are encouraged to show in at least one breeding class.
- Market lambs will be weighed and will show by weight. Appropriate weight classes will be determined by the Superintendent.
- There must be at least two (2) lambs in a class to make up a class. If less than two (2) lambs in a class, the lambs will be placed in other appropriate classes, under supervision of the Sheep Committee and Superintendent.
- Any artificial means of conditioning animals such as ice packs, chemicals, water, air, drugs, etc. may not be used. Members will be eliminated from the show with all premiums forfeited.
- All 4-H Sheep may be checked for identification by a county retinal scan during the county fair.
- Members in Level 3, grades 9, 10, 11, 12, have the option of presenting or helping with a sheep workshop instead of completing project manual requirements. Arrange in advance with Superintendent.
- Weigh-in will be held on Sunday upon entry.
- Showmanship classes will be divided into appropriately sized groups by age. 4-Hers must sign-up with the respective superintendent. When signing up to enter the showmanship contest, the 4-Her must give his/her grade level. The superintendent will determine the break in class size. The winners in each class will show for the Champion Showman Award. (Past winners will re-enter their appropriate age class each year). All participating members must show their own animals.
Breeds Available
Natural Color
All Other Breeds
Classes Available by Breed
Yearling Ewe
Grand Champion Market Class
Ewe Lamb
Pair of Ewes
Grand Champion Ewes Class
Mini 4-H
Tom Dawson Award
Scramble Lamb
Rate of Gain
Market Lamb Breeds
Pair of Market Lambs
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