Jasper County 4-H Livestock Auction
Friday, July 30, 2021
Starting at 6:00 pm
Jasper County Fairgrounds - Show Arena
2671 W Clark St
Rensselaer, IN
Buyer Appreciation Meal starting at 4:00 pm - 5:45 pm
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who Can Bid/Buy?
Any business or family can participate in the Auction by registering and obtaining a Buyers' Number. Buyers may combine to make single purchases. Buyers wanting to “pool” their money must complete additional paperwork indicating all the buyers and amounts to be paid by each. Buyer numbers can be obtained at the Show Arena before the start of the auction.
Who sells the animals?
4-H youth, between grades three - twelve, who show production animals at the County Fair, are eligible to sell a maximum of one specie through the ring.
What do I do with the animal when I buy it?
The 4-H Auction will be a terminal sale with no retaining of animals allowed. The animals will be sold to market or a local meat processor.
Which animal do I buy?
Buyers either come to purchase a specific 4-H members animal or they come to support the Auction in general. The sale sheets you receive when you register will give you the names of the 4-H members and their parent/guardian's name.
How are the animals bid? The auctioneers use the conventional method of taking the highest bid. Bids are made in even dollar amounts and are bid on the animal not by the pound.
When do I pay for my animals? We expect buyers to pay for their purchases before leaving that evening. Buyers not paying will be sent an itemized bill for the animals purchased. Prompt payment is expected.
What are my costs?
Animals that can be consigned will have a market value listed on the sale sheet. If you choose to process the animal, then you pay for the entire amount of market price plus your bid. If you send the animal to "market" , then you pay only what your bid
For example:
Market Animal Process Animal
Market Price $200.00 Market Price $200.00
Your Bid $300.00 Your Bid $300.00
You Pay $300.00 You Pay $500.00
For more information:
Contact the Jasper County 4-H Livestock Auction Committee Chair Todd Peterson, 219-608-1765.