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2023 Annual Meeting and Report

The Purdue Extension Elkhart County Extension Board annual meeting was held on November 14, 2023 on the 4-H Fairgrounds in Goshen. There were 67 people in attendance to celebrate the accomplishments of Purdue Extension Elkhart County. The annual meeting honors the “Friend of Extension,” recognizes retiring board members, elects new board members by the Extension Advisory Council, and highlights program impact and accomplishments from the Purdue Extension Educators.

The Elkhart County Extension Council members are appointed leaders who elect five board members to the 15-member board. Re-elected for a second term were board members Joel Holsopple, Millersburg and Kathy Overholt, Elkhart. Elected to their first term on the Extension Board are Dan Carlson, Goshen; Debra Pepple, Elkhart; and Mary Kay Longacre, Goshen.


Retiring from the Extension Board after 6 years of service are Dan Hummel, Elkhart; Jeff Kitson, Milford; and Regina Morehouse, New Paris.


Each year, the staff recognizes individuals or businesses that go above and beyond to enhance Purdue Extension’s mission and vision. The 2023 Friend of Extension award was given to two very deserving volunteers, Dan Carlson and Debra Pepple.


Dan Carlson is a Gold-Level Master Gardener volunteering at the Extension Office during the summer for the Master Gardener Answer Line. He has given of his time volunteering as president, vice president, treasurer and board member of the Michiana Master Gardeners Association; trained new volunteers for the Answer Line; helped set up Ag Hall for the Elkhart County 4-H fair, being a program speaker and serving on multiple committees. Dan is a true asset to Purdue Extension.

Deb Pepple calls herself a “professional volunteer” and it’s well fitting as she has been a long-time Extension Homemaker, volunteering as director of Home and Family Arts during the Elkhart County 4-H Fair, served as president of the Elkhart County Extension Homemakers Association, as well as many offices within her club. Currently, Deb serves on the Health and Human Sciences Advisory Board. Deb’s involvement in the community allows her to share the value that Extension holds when it comes to education in all program areas.

Purdue Extension is a service tailored to meet the needs of Indiana; needs we know firsthand. Our educators, specialists, and volunteers live and work in all 92 Indiana counties. We provide the link between Land Grant research and Indiana citizens. In doing that we provide practical solutions to local issues. We provide information and expertise that's available in the form you want, when you want it. That's Purdue Extension, Indiana's home team advantage. You can learn more about Purdue Extension and upcoming programs in Elkhart county at:

View or download our 2023 Annual Report here.

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