4-H Sign up
Are you ready for another great year of 4-H fun and growing? It is time to start thinking about 4-H and the projects you would like to participate in for 2022. See page 2 for a complete list of projects Warren County 4-H has to offer. Enrollment is open NOW! You will go to 4honline.com to get enrolled. If you have any questions, please call the extension office. We are here to help!
Many of you have probably heard the news that we are moving to a new office! The old Legion building at the Fairgrounds is currently being renovated to accommodate us. We hope to be in our new space very soon!
We encourage you to stay connected by visiting our website, www.extension.purdue.edu/warren
and/or our Facebook page, Purdue Extension Warren County
Mini 4-H - Grade 2 only - No Fee 4-H - Grades 3-12 - $20
You may pay online with a card or mail a check payable to Purdue University to:
Purdue Extension Warren County
408St Rd 28 E
Williamsport, IN 47993
If you need assistance with fees, please contact the office. 765-762-3231
When signing up for 4-H, you will see a list of projects to choose from on the 4-H Online website. That list contains all projects offered at the state level as well as a few only offered in Warren County. We DO NOT offer every state project listed. Below is a list of the projects that we DO offer in Warren County.
There are a few projects that have multiple categories. Please select the most general project title as possible. Example: There is Foods, Foods Baked, and Foods Preserved as project options. Please select Foods.
If you see a project on the website that interests you, but it is not listed below, please sign up for Do Your Own Thing. You may enter as many projects in the Do Your Own Thing (DYOT) category as you want. If your DYOT project falls under a state project category that we do not offer, it may still go to the State Fair under that project if the DYOT judge deems it eligible. Example: Suzie is interested in Vet Science. Warren County does not offer Vet Science. Suzie signs up for DYOT and completes a Vet Science project. It’s a nice project. The DYOT judge grants Suzie’s DYOT project a State Fair Entry as a Vet Science project.
- Achievement Record (County Only)
- Aerospace
- Animal Posters (must also select an animal project)
- Arts and Crafts
- Beef
- Cake Decorating
- Cat
- Child Development
- Consumer Clothing
- Crops (County Only)
- Do Your Own Thing (County Only)
- Dog
- Electric
- Entomology
- Fashion Revue (must also do Sewing)
- Floriculture
- Foods
- Forestry
- Garden
- Goat (Meat, Dairy or Pygmy)
- Horse and Pony
- Junior Leaders
- Llama and Alpaca (includes Llama Craft)
- Photography
- Poultry
- Rabbit
- Scrapbooking (County Only)
- Sewing
- Sheep
- Shooting Sports
- Swine
- Wildlife
- Woodworking
Mini 4-H (Grade 2 only)
- Mini Bugs
- Mini Flight
- Mini Food
- Mini Garden
- Mini Health
- Mini Puppy
- Mini Wildlife