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backyard food gardening

Lunch and Learn - Backyard Food Gardening

Join us in our monthly #LunchAndLearn about Backyard Food Gardening. 

Creating your vegetable garden in your backyard could be rewarding; it will offer you the possibility to eat fresh and healthy produce, reduce the cost of monthly groceries, and it will be great to choose your variety of fruits and vegetables. On this Lunch and Learn, you will be able to discover the benefits of having your garden, selecting a location with great sunlight and good drainage; we will talk about the variety of plants suitable for each type of climate and garden preferences. How to maintain your garden with regular water, monitor for pests, and finally, use harvesting techniques so you can embrace the "fruit" of your labor.

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or want to start, this virtual workshop will inspire and empower you to create a thriving garden at home. 


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