Bylaws and Officer Duties
The Purdue Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (Purdue CARET) is a voluntary, grassroots group of Indiana citizens who advocate for greater state and national support and understanding of the land-grant university system and Purdue University’s food and agricultural research, extension, and teaching programs that enhance the quality of life for all people.
Purdue CARET provides a means for local citizens to make organized input into program development, offer counsel on policies that influence program directions, and advocate for legislative and budgetary support at local, state, and federal levels through Purdue University.
Purdue CARET is a statewide organization with representatives from each of the ten (10) Extension Areas serving on the Council and Area Committees.
Section 1. Composition
The Council serves as the statewide governing body for Purdue CARET. The Council consists of representatives from local extension boards and their designees to participate in the activities of Purdue CARET.
Section 2. Responsibility of Council
- To review, analyze, and support State and Federal initiatives that concern objectives, and responsibilities with the mission areas.
- To review and study long-term trends impacting the mission areas served by the land-grant university.
- To review, analyze, and support county, state, and federal appropriations required for the effective functioning of the land-grant mission.
- To serve as advocates at the county, state, and federal levels for the land-grant university mission, programs, and activities.
- To annually elect State Purdue CARET Officers to preside over and serve the Council and the State Committee.
Section 3. Meetings of Council
- The Council will meet at least two (2) times annually with one meeting in the first half and another in the second half of the year as determined by the Executive Committee.
- A slate of State Purdue CARET Officers will be proposed and elected at the Annual Meeting.
- A quorum will be the number of members present at a given meeting after notification of said members.
Section 4. Council Dues
- The State Committee will establish the annual dues of the Council and must be approved by a 2/3-majority vote of those present at a regularly scheduled meeting
Section 5. Standing and Special Committees
- The Nominating Committee shall be appointed annually by the Council President and shall consist of no more than three (3) members, one of whom is a past officer. The Council will elect Purdue CARET State Officers at the Annual Meeting from a slate proposed by the Nominating Committee. The Dean of Agriculture and/or the Director of Extension shall serve as an advisor to the Nominating Committee.
- The Council and/or the president may establish additional committees as need. Members will be appointed by the President.
Section 1. Composition
- The State Committee shall consist of four representatives from each Extension Area, each serving staggered four-year (4-year) terms. The Area Committees will elect new representatives annually.
- The Executive Committee may appoint, in consultation with the Dean of Agriculture and staff, up to six (6) additional members to ensure that various industry sectors are represented on the State Committee, if Area directors do not represent them. These sectors may include: 1) field and horticultural crop production; 2) livestock and poultry production; 3) forest and wood products; 4) farm credit and management; 5) seed, feed, fertilizer and crop inputs; 6) crop processing, marketing, and trade; 7) livestock processing, marketing, and trade; 8) food retailing and foodservice; 9) environment and resource conservation; 10) consumer health, nutrition, and wellness; 11) family and youth; and 12) state and local government. Appointed representatives should serve the area, but need not represent their county when attending area or state meetings.
- The Dean of Agriculture, Director of Extension, Director of Agricultural Research, Director of Academic Programs (College of Agriculture), Director of International Agriculture, as well as the National CARET representatives will serve in ex-officio capacity.
- A State Committee member unable to attend two of the three primary meetings of the Council (legislative luncheon, national leadership trip, annual meeting) should be replaced by the represented Area Committee and the appointee shall fulfill the remainder of the vacated term.
Section 2. Responsibility of State Committee
- To serve as advocates at the county, state, and federal levels for the land- grant university mission, programs, and activities.
- To participate in the Washington DC Purdue CARET Leadership Meeting to make personal contact and share Extension, Research and teaching success stories with congressional representatives and their staff members.
- Seek to secure capacity and competitive funding for mission-related needs.
- The State Committee and/or the president may establish additional committees as need. Members will be appointed by the President.
Section 3. Meetings of the State Committee
- The State Committee will meet at least two (2) times annually with one meeting in the first half and another in the second half of the year as determined by the Executive Committee.
- A quorum will be the number of members present at a given meeting after notification of said members, but shall not be less than one-third (1/3) of the State Committee members.
Section 4. Officers
The officers shall be President, Vice President-Membership, Vice President-Advocacy, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers will be proposed by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Council at its Annual Meeting held in the fall.
Section 5. Officers Responsibilities
- President
- Preside over Council meetings
- Preside over State Committee meetings
- Lead the Executive Committee
- Confer with the Dean of Agriculture or his/her designee to prepare agendas for Council meetings and events
- Attend Purdue CARET Area Committee meetings when necessary or possible
- Represent Purdue CARET at invited Purdue University functions
- Appoint program committee members
- Vice President – Advocacy
- Lead Council initiatives with legislative and administrative branch officials and their personnel
- Attend Purdue CARET Council, State Committee, and Executive Committee meetings
- Represent Purdue CARET at invited Purdue University functions
- Vice President – Membership
- Maintain and strengthen membership and participation in the Council and its activities
- Will preside over Council business in the absence of the president.
- Review the membership of the Council to ensure that industry sectors listed in Article 4, Section 2 (b) are adequately represented
- Attend Purdue CARET Council, State Committee, and Executive Committee meetings
- Represent Purdue CARET at invited Purdue University functions
- Secretary
- Record and maintain minutes of all Council meetings
- Record and maintain minutes of all Executive Committee meetings
- Distribute minutes of proceedings to appropriate governance bodies
- Attend Purdue CARET Council, State Committee, and Executive Committee meetings
- Represent Purdue CARET at invited Purdue University functions
- Treasurer
- Transact and record all financial activity of the Council
- Present financial report at Council and Executive Committee meetings
- Collect area dues from the ten (10) Area Committee treasurers by December 1.
- Attend Purdue CARET Council, State Committee, and Executive Committee meetings
- Represent Purdue CARET at invited Purdue University functions
Section 6. Executive Committee
Shall be comprised of the five officers, two at-large members from the State Committee, and the immediate past president. The Officers and at-large members will be proposed by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Council at the fall Annual Meeting. They shall make decisions on behalf of the Council and the State Committee between official state meetings.
Section 1. Composition
- The Area Committee shall consist of three (3) voting members from each county, the County Extension Board Chair or his/her appointee and two (2) others.
- The County Extension Board Chair, in consultation with the County Extension Director, shall annually appoint representatives to the Area Committee with approval of the County Extension Board. The appointees need not be current members of the Extension Board.
- Representatives should have experience with one or more of the Extension program areas: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Health and Human Sciences, Community Development, 4-H and Youth.
- Each Area Committee member shall have one (1) vote.
- The County Extension Board and/or County Extension Director may select additional individuals to attend Area Committee meetings. They serve in a non-voting capacity.
- The County Extension Directors and the District Director serve on the Area Committee in an advisory capacity.
Section 2. Responsibility of Area Committees
- To review, analyze, and support State and Federal initiatives that concern objectives, and responsibilities with the mission areas.
- To review and study long-term trends in the mission areas that affect the counties in the Extension Areas served by the land-grant university.
- To review, analyze, and support county, state, and federal appropriations required for the effective functioning of the land-grant mission.
- To present policy and program concerns and needs to the Dean of Agriculture and Directors.
- To serve as advocates at the county, state, and federal levels for the land-grant university mission, programs, and activities.
- To identify and elect members to serve on the State Committee.
- To replace representatives from the Extension Area who are unable to fulfill their responsibilities to the State Committee. Replacements will fulfill the remaining term of the vacated seat.
Section 3. Meetings of Area Committees
- The Area Committee will meet at least two (2) times annually with one meeting in the first half and another in the second half of the year as determined by the officers in consultation with the Area Committee and the District Director.
- An appropriate meeting notice and agenda will be sent to Area Committee members at least one (1) week in advance of an official meeting. Minutes of the last meeting should be included with the notice unless sent previously.
- Officers will be elected at the Annual Meeting.
- Special meetings may be called by the Chair or the officers.
- The annual meeting agenda shall include, but is not limited to, election of officers, selection of state Council representatives, and a comprehensive financial report.
- A quorum shall be those present at any regular or special meeting providing proper notification procedures have been met.
Section 4. Dues
The Area Committee will establish its annual dues at a meeting of the Area Committee and must be approved by a 2/3-majority vote of those present.
Section 5. Officers
The officers shall be Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Area Committee may choose to combine the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer. The Officers will be proposed by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Area Committee at its Annual Meeting.
Section 6. Officers Responsibilities
- Chair
- Preside over Area Committee meetings
- Lead the Executive Committee
- Confer with the District Extension Director prepare agendas for Area Committee meetings and events
- Involve Committee members in discussions and decisions.
- Delegate work to subgroups to perform work on behalf of the Area Committee.
- Vice Chair
- Assist the Area Chair as needed.
- Chair special committees.
- Preside over meetings in the absence of the Chair
- Secretary
- Record and maintain minutes of all Area Committee meetings
- Record and maintain minutes of all Executive Committee meetings
- Distribute minutes of proceedings to Area Committee in conjunction with the District Director.
- Treasurer
- Transact and record all financial activity of the Area Committee
- Present financial report at Area Committee meetings
- Collect fees and dues and disburse expenses for the Area Committee.
- Pay area dues annually to the state Council.
Section 7. Executive Committee
Shall be comprised of the officers and the District Director. They shall make decisions on behalf of the Area Committee on business decisions between official meetings.
Section 8. Standing and Special Committees
- The Nominating Committee shall be appointed annually by the Area Committee Chair and shall consist of no more than three (3) members, one of whom is a past officer. The Nominating Committee will propose a slate of officers for election at the Area Committee Annual Meeting. The District Extension Director shall serve as an advisor to the Nominating Committee.
- The Area Committee or the Chair may establish other committees as needed. Committee members will be appointed by the Chair.
Members of the Council and Area Committees will be selected without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability.
Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern this organization in all cases in which they are applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws.
Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present at an official meeting of the State Committee. Notice of proposed amendments must be sent to the State Committee members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
Upon dissolution of Purdue CARET, the Council will, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets of the organization to the Purdue University College of Agriculture for the continued support of the land-grant university and its mission, in compliance with Internal Revenue Code rules.
UNOFFICIAL ADDENDUM POLICY PAGE: These policies may be approved by Area Committees and attached to the bylaws on a separate page. They are not to be included or amended into the bylaws.
- Annual Dues amount and deadlines
- Reimbursement of Expenses for national leadership trip
- Non-bylaws operational rules
- Time period for Area Committee Annual Meeting