Join the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) for a special webinar entitled Epidemic Preparedness for Community Organizations: A Facilitated Process!
Wednesday May 27, 2020
1:00 pm EDT/12:00 CDT/11:00 MDT/10:00 PDT
Register at
When EDEN’s Epidemic Preparedness for Community Organizations program was developed a few years ago, nobody was talking about coronavirus. But now, community organizations are serving their members or other audiences possibly without much planning. This EDEN program helps community organization representatives (from houses of worship, nongovernmental organizations, service providers, etc.) walk through a process to help them plan for their own group and their work with other groups to fill gaps and avoid duplication in communities. Now with the coronavirus pandemic, community organizations may use the program to document their recent experiences and plan for the future.
The EDEN Professional Development committee hosts monthly webinars, and special webinars as necessary, that provide disaster-related education and training opportunities for Extension professionals. These webinars are open to all Extension professionals regardless of affiliation with EDEN.
BECKY KOCH is Agriculture Communication director at North Dakota State University. With a B.S. in ag journalism and M.S. in ag education, she uses her communication skills to teach through Extension. She has developed several “packaged programs” that provide all the resources needed to teach or facilitate a topic. Becky also is an EDEN charter member and past chair.