If you have a question that you feel may be a common question relating to agriculture, natural resources, pest control, home lawn and garden, or other similar field, start here. Questions are organized alphabetically by key subject (in bold). You may navigate to the question using key words at top. Follow the link provided to access Purdue Extension or other research-based information that addresses that question. Note that many of these links go directly to select Purdue Extension publications that require Adobe Acrobat Reader. To get this free plug-in, click on the link to the right.
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Ants | Bagworms | Bats | Bed Bugs | Bee Swarm | Black Walnut Toxicity | Cash Rent Contract | Cash Rent Rates | Classified Forest and Wildlands | Cockroaches | Composting | Crop Costs & Returns | Crop Share Lease | Crop Maturity and Harvest Issues | Crop Yield Tests | Custom Rates | Emerald Ash Borer | Farm Fence Law | "Fly-Free" Date for Wheat | "Fly Specks" on Home | Frost Dates | "Fungus" on Tree Trunks | Gardening - Vegetables | Groundhogs | Hay Crop - Seeding | Japanese Beetles | Ladybugs | Land Values | Lichens | Moles | Mosquitoes | Mulch | Mycotoxins | Pasture - Seeding | Pasture for Horses | Pasture Renovation | Pesticide meetings attended? | Pesticide Training Manuals | Pests, Multiple - FAQs | Pests of Field Crops | Pests of Fruit Trees | Pests of Landscape Plants | Pests of Turf (lawns) | Pests of Vegetables | Pesticide Programs (where, when) | Private Applicator License | Pond Weed Control | Poisonous Pasture Plants | Pruning | Soil Tests | Spiders | Termites | Timber Sale | Tomatoes | Topping Trees | Toxic Plants | Tree Planting | Vegetable Garden | Weed Control - Crops | Weed Control - Lawns | Wheat "Fly-Free" Date | Wildlife (Nuisance Wildlife Management) | Wildlife prevention/control - permit needed? | Windbreaks
Note that links in the last part of this page will scroll down only so far and will not appear as the question at the very top of your screen. Find the bold key word that matches your question.
Updated 7/27/21