Next-generation farmers and business partners are encouraged to join Purdue Extension for an eight-session interactive series “Grow Your Farm Operation.” The series will be delivered virtually via Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-9 p.m. (EST) beginning on Jan. 12 and ending on March 2.
This series will help farmers develop key skills to manage their farm in an ever-changing agribusiness climate. After participating in the series in 2018, 71% of participants increased their farm revenue operation potential by $1,000 to $5,000.
Topics covered are Marketing; Precision Ag; Drones; Integrated Pest Management; Best Management Practices; Farm Financials; Communication; Succession Planning; and Legal Dos & Don'ts. Speakers include successful farmers, Purdue Extension experts, and agricultural industry leaders. Attendees can also join regional networking sessions for topic discussions. Continuing education credits are available for private pesticide applicators (PARP), certified crop advisers (up to 16 CEUs), and commercial applicators (CCHs).
The registration fee is $100 per farm operation. For more information and a downloadable flyer go to: Register at by Jan. 8. For reasonable accommodation or more information, contact Kelly Heckaman at 574-372-2340 or
Beginning Farmers: How to Plan, Support and Grow Your Farm
Are you a farmer, but eager to enhance and improve your management practices? Are you interested in starting a farm, but unsure of how to get started or where you can find help? Purdue Extension’s online Beginning Farmer Workshop can help put you on a path to success! During the series (January 12 – March 4), you’ll learn about: addressing the realities of starting a farm, assessing your farming assets, defining realistic goals, and creating feasible plans to achieve your goals.
The workshop includes 7 sessions held from 7:00- 8:30pm EST. Pre-registration is required with payment due by January 8, 2021. To learn more about the program, including registration and refund policies, visit The program fee of $48 is payable by credit card on our secure server.If you require special accommodations to attend this event or have any questions about this event, please contact Amy Thompson, Purdue CES Monroe County at