Hello everyone!
It’s hard to believe that 2020 is almost over. We have survived one of the strangest years ever, and we made the best of a difficult year in having our COVID 4-H Fair! There is a lot to be proud of. Take some time over the next few months to reflect on this past year and set some new goals for 2021. Be sure to also take some time to spend with family and friends. We all have a lot to be thankful for and should take the time to appreciate everything that has been done for us. I wish you all a safe and happy holi-day season!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Extension Office at (219) 984-5115, email furrer@purdue.edu, or stop by the office at 12 N 25 E, Reynolds.
Miranda Furrer
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Facebook: facebook.com/whitecounty4h
Instagram: whitecounty4hofficial