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Five High-Touch Spots in Your Home to Disinfect Daily


For many of us, our cleaning routines have changed in the past few months. According to a survey conducted by Ipsos, eight in ten Americans have been washing their hands more often, and over half of Americans have been using more disinfectants since learning about the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. We’ve learned the key moments when we need to wash our hands, but there’s also the key spots we need to focus on when we clean and disinfect our homes.

            According to our 2020 National Cleaning Survey, on a typical day, most Americans find that the bathroom sink (81%), kitchen appliances (80%), toilet (79%), kitchen table (72%) and kitchen counters (71%) in their home are “not spotless.” Naturally, these are also some of the areas we touch most frequently, and so need to clean and disinfect regularly.

            Here are some tips for when you’re tackling these high-touch spots:

Bathroom Sink

            There’s the sink itself, but also remember to get the handles and the faucet. While you’re at it, consider the kitchen sink too, which you’ll want to keep clean since it’s involved in the food prep process.


            The handle is the main part to focus on here, but consider less obvious areas, like around the toilet seat and the lid, that might get touched a lot too.

Kitchen Appliances

            Don’t overlook the handles on your appliances either. These include refrigerators, microwaves, dishwashers and ovens. You can wipe down the handles with disinfectant wipes or spray.

Kitchen Table

            Remove food residue and grime before you disinfect. Germs can hide underneath grime, preventing the disinfectant from reaching the germs, so always pre-clean serfaces. You can do this with soap and water.


            If you’re not sure whether your disinfectant product is safe for the surface, check the label. It’ll tell you which surfaces you can use the product on. Remember to let the surface air dry for as long as recommended on the label, then rinse the surface with water.

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