The beginning of a new year typically is a time for setting resolutions. For many those resolutions might mean going to the gym more often, eating healthier, or spending more time with family. For a farmer, they may look something more like these.
#1 – To improve my pesticide recordkeeping. There are many reasons to keep good accurate records of when you use pesticide. For instance, it helps aid in management decisions in the future, can help if an individual’s needs medical attention after being exposed to a pesticide, and may even be requested in real estate transfers. For individuals using restricted use pesticides (RUPs), it is a law that you maintain records on all RUPs for a minimum of two years after applying them. A good way to make sure your records are accurate is by filling in most of the record before heading to the field. Information that needs to be maintained in the records include: location being sprayed, applicator name & permit number, date, crop being treated, pest being treated for, number of acres being treated, what rate is being used, the total amount of product used, brand name & formulation of product, name of manufacturer, and EPA registration number.
#2 – Decrease the number of assisted births in my livestock. One way to help decrease the number of assisted births on a farm is by ensuring your animals have the proper body condition score (BCS). Body condition scoring is an important management practice that allows producers to optimize production, evaluate health, and assess nutritional status of their livestock. It is done by careful visual examination of eight important anatomical points. These points include: brisket (sternum), shoulder, ribs, loin, hooks, stifle, tail head, and pins. At these points, you look for the amount of muscle present, skeletal features, and fat cover. When doing this, remember to consider the amount of gut fill the animal has, what stage of pregnancy it is in, amount of hair or wool present, and muscling. For a more in depth look at BCS, check out the Purdue publication, Body Condition Scoring in Farm Animals, AS-550-W.
#3 – Be more prepared for when it is time to plant my crops, cut my hay, or harvest my crops. Before you start any equipment up on the farm, go through a checklist. Start by making sure your equipment has working lights (front, rear, and turn signals) and that your slow-moving vehicle (SMV) sign is posted where everyone can see it. Ensure that every hose fitting is secure and tight. Change the oil and do any other routine maintenance tasks that needs done. In the case of hay harvest, I suggest buying some extra rake tines and string (or plastic) to have on hand in case of an emergency. Lastly, make sure all the needed items are in your first aid kit and that they are not outdated.
Before setting your resolutions, spend time looking back on the highs and lows that you have experienced and notice the amount of growth your farm has endured. Adjust your resolutions to help you continue to see growth within your farm. Whatever your resolutions are, I wish you the best of luck in obtaining them. Fee free to contact Purdue Extension if there is any way we can help you achieve your new years resolutions.