Twenty Terrific Days of 4-H Enrollment Martin County!
4-H is open to ALL youth in grades 3-12 ($20 enrollment fee) and Mini 4-H is grades Kindergarten -2nd (no enrollment fee.) Here is the great opportunity! Enroll from October 1 – October 20 the $20 enrollment fee is paid by the Martin County 4-H Council! Starting October 1st, plan to enroll at Call 812-295-2412 with any questions!
As one of five Indiana Counties recognized as having an Indiana 2022 4-H Awards of Excellence honoree, Rhonda Sanders and the Martin County Team will be recognized at the Indiana 4-H Leadership Summit at the 502 Event Center in Carmel, Indiana. This event is open to all with registration due by mid-October. All are invited to make plans and register to attend now!
Dubois Martin County 4-H Leader Training Series
All are invited to the following Professional Development 4-H Leader Training Series. Current leaders and prospective new leaders are targeted, but anyone with an interest is welcome to attend! RSVP requested but not required: Dena Held at or 812-295-2412 or Lauren Fenneman at or 812-482-1782.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 6:30 pm – 8 pm: Mastery: Opportunity for Mastery, Engagement in Learning including What makes 4-H FUN, Hands on activities.
Location: Cedar Crest Intermediate School Cafeteria, 4770 South State Road 162, Huntingburg, IN 47542
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 6:30 pm – 8 pm: Independence: Opportunity to see oneself as a participant in the future, Opportunity for self-determination and will include information about 4-H Online and Fair Entry, Officer Trainings, Executive Committee Meetings in the club and information about Camps and Trips.
Location: Cedar Crest Intermediate School Cafeteria, 4770 South State Road 162, Huntingburg, IN 47542
Monday, December 12, 2022 6:30 pm – 8 pm: Generosity: Opportunity to value and practice service to others and includes community service ideas, best practices for kicking off the 4-H year in January and best practices to close out the 4-H year from June to September.
Location: Cedar Crest Intermediate School Cafeteria, 4770 South State Road 162, Huntingburg, IN 47542
January, February, & March Sessions: SAVE THE DATES!
Thursday, January 26, 2023 6 pm
Thursday, February 23, 2023 6 pm
Thursday, March 9, 2023 6 pm
Thursday, March 30, 2023 6 pm
Location: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds, Community Learning Center, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee, IN
Register your kids, classroom, youth group or 4-H Club for the Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch
What is the Crunch? A celebration of National Farm to School Month! Please help Indiana celebrate by purchasing, supporting, and crunching into locally and regionally grown apples at NOON on Thursday, October 13th, 2022 (or any day in October). Incorporate educational activities and videos into your Crunch day! Registered Crunch participants will receive a link to the 2022 Indiana Crunch Guide with all the info they need!
When: Thursday, October 13th, OR any day during National Farm to School Month, October!
Who: ANYONE! There is no Crunch too small. K-12 schools, early care and education sites, hospitals, colleges and universities, farms, state and local agencies, 4-H Clubs, non-profit organizations, local businesses, groups, and even households can register to Crunch
Where: Anyone across Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio can register to Crunch in 2022! Crunch from the apple orchard, a Zoom call, the community garden, home, or any safe and creative place!
How: Register your Indiana crunch at ( to add to the Crunch count, get free stickers (while supplies last), score the scoop on purchasing and serving local apples, and receive the Crunch Guide.
Share: Be ready to take photos and videos of the loud Crunch and share them on social media on the day of your Crunch using hashtags: #InFoodDay, #INapplecrunch, #F2Smonth
Questions? Contact Laura Dodds @
AgrAbility National Training Workshop Encore Webinars
Register below for any or all of the webinars. Each webinar begins at 2:00 p.m. EDT on the given Thursday. For session descriptions and more information, visit
A question & answer period is scheduled for each presentation. To participate in any of these free webinars, click here to access the online registration form. Please pass on this invitation to others you believe may be interested. Contact AgrAbility at 800-825-4264, visit, or email if you have questions.
2022 Hoosier Hay Contest
All are encouraged to check into the 2022 Hoosier Hay Contest! For rules and entry form go to:
Entry deadline: September 30, 2022
Overall awards given in categories of dry hay and baleage
First place: $250 and one-year IFC membership
Second place: $150
Third place: $100
The Diverse Corn Belt project—a multidisciplinary project exploring alternative crops, longer rotations, integrating livestock and perennials that could help increase resilience in Midwest agriculture—is seeking farmer input through focus groups and in-field research. The project's 30 partners are exploring diversification at the farm, market and landscape level that can broaden new opportunities for Midwest farmers and rural communities, says Dr. Linda S. Prokopy of Purdue University, who leads the five-year, $10 million project.
The study focuses on Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. The team will conduct research, extension and modeling in all three states.
"We are seeking farmer involvement at every stage of the Diverse Corn Belt project, starting with understanding how different producers define diversity, and getting their direction on the questions they want us to explore," Prokopy says. "We want to know what is working for them in the current system and what the barriers are to diversification.
"Guided by what farmers tell us they're facing and what they need, we will be exploring a wide range of approaches to diversification of production systems and markets that can help producers and rural communities become more economically and environmentally resilient in the future," she adds. "This project goes beyond delving into the production aspects of various options for diversification—the agronomics, economics, and animal productivity angles. We will also be exploring the social, infrastructure and policy changes needed to make them viable."
Help Wanted
Prokopy says farmers can participate in the Diverse Corn Belt in a variety of ways, including:
"We are developing a vision of a Corn Belt beyond the corn/soybean system and its infrastructure, a future that provides farmers and communities with a more profitable and resilient agriculture," notes J. Arbuckle at Iowa State University. "To do that, we're working with farmers with highly specialized systems that are prevalent today and with highly diversified farmers who provide examples of what's possible.
"Of course, context is critical, so we will also be researching ways to facilitate markets, infrastructure, social networks and policy for diverse systems, as well as modeling a wide range of systems," he adds. "This holistic approach will help us map pathways to more diverse, prosperous and resilient farms and rural communities."
The Diverse Corn Belt project is funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture through an Agriculture and Food Research Initiative competitive grant. Members of the research team represent land grant institutions, federal agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Interested farmers and other stakeholders can learn more about the Diverse Corn Belt project at, and volunteer to participate at
For more information, contact:
Emily Usher (765) 496-0997;
Steve Werblow (541) 951-4212;
Southern Indiana Area Cattleman's Beef Tour
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Gate opens at 1 p.m. EDT
Program begins at 2 p.m. EDT
Registrations are currently being accepted for the Southern Indiana Area Cattleman's Beef Tour at the Greg & Angela Hoagland & Family Ranch in Eckerty, Indiana. The event is being organized by local area Cattleman's Associations from Crawford, Dubois, Harrison, Orange & Perry Counties in partnership with Elanco, Purdue Extension, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Superior Ag, Crawford County Soil and Water Conservation, Lost River Water Shed, Orange County Soil and Water Conservation, Farm Credit Mid-America, St. Anthony Mill and Schnellville Mill, INC.
Topics for the field day include viewing the Hoaglands’ cow herd and pastures; “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” cooking demonstration; and “Current Beef Industry Trends” with keynote speaker Dr. Robin Falkner DVM, from Elanco.
The field day, scheduled for October 1st begins at 2:00 p.m. EDT and is free to all. Ribeye dinner is included in the event. Program partner will have vendor tables setup for viewing at 1:00 p.m. EDT.
To learn more and register call Purdue Extension Crawford County at 812-338-5466 or email Molley Hasenour, 4-H Youth/Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator at
2022-2023 Indiana Beef Cattle Association (IBCA) and Purdue Area 3 Beef Meeting
When: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 7:00 pm ET
Where: The Village Inn, Hwy 57 South, Petersburg, IN
Why: The meetings will feature great food and valuable information on a variety of beef topics. IBCA will provide an update on current policy and programs. Purdue Department of Animal Science will provide the educational presentation.
The counties in this area are: Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Knox, Martin, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, and Warrick.
Heart of American Grazing Conference
When: February 20-21, 2023
Where: Ferdinand Community Center, Ferdinand, Indiana
Topics include: Bale grazing, soil science and health, the power of managed grazing, grazing options of ruminants, and shared experiences from seasoned graziers
Featured speakers: Dr. Greg Halich, University of Kentucky; Dr. Alan Franzluebbers, USDA-ARS North Carolina; Mr. Johnny Rogers, Coordinator, Amazing Grazing Project, North Carolina State University; and several local celebrities.
For more information go to
Indiana Watershed Leadership Program
The Academy, organized by Purdue University with support from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and other Indiana conservation agencies and organizations, gives participants the chance to:
Enrollment deadline: November 4, 2022
Web site: For the online application and information about the Academy, visit:
Recognition: Participants who complete all requirements earn a Purdue University Continuing Education Professional Certificate in Watershed Management.
For more information, please contact Sara Peel,
The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation’s largest providers of scientific research-based information and education. It’s a network of colleges, universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving communities and counties across America.
In each and all of Indiana 92 counties, Purdue Extension delivers practical, research-based information. We provide relevant, high-impact educational programs that transform the lives and livelihoods of individuals and communities in Indiana and the world.
The Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service program areas are:
- Help communities analyze, identify and meet the needs of families.
- Train volunteers and paraprofessionals to assist in areas of critical concern to families.
- Motivate people to become leaders and address community issues.
- Collaborate with agencies, community organizations, and educational groups to address the needs of families.
It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service that all persons have equal opportunity and access to its educational programs, services, activities, and facilities without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability or status as a veteran. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action institution. This material may be available in alternative formats.
The Young Ladies in Ag Forum- SAVE THE DATE
Where: Terre Haute Convention Center
When: February 22, 2023
Who: Young ladies in grades 8-12 & college
Check-in: 1:00-1:30 PM EST
Program: 1:30-8:30 PM EST
Dinner included!
Topics include: Financial Strategies for Young Women, Networking and Exploring Jobs in the Agriculture World, Marketing Yourself, Building a Strong Resume
As Soybeans Mature, Watch For Pod Feeders Moving In Late
As the soybean crop begins to mature and the plants “shut down”, many insects are no longer interested in these plants. However, for a different group of insects this is effectively ringing a “dinner bell” – the olfactory signals from developing pods indicate a rich protein source for insects that are doing some fall feeding before going into overwintering stages – these include bean leaf beetles and various stink bug species.
Long Description
We’ve written about stink bugs several times in recent years, as they are one of the few insect pests that are actually on the rise in recent years. Key points to remember are that they are not readily controlled by earlier (i.e. R3) insecticide applications, and they can cause serious quality losses by feeding through pods and introducing fungi and yeasts into the seeds inside.
Similarly, bean leaf beetles, although primarily interested in leaf feeding and not as able to penetrate the pods will feed on and scar pod surfaces – sometimes penetrating to the seeds beneath. In both cases, it’s not the yield loss due to direct feeding, but the opening of the pod to a range of pathogens that can erode grain quality, including in storage.
To assess risks of both pests, the solution is walking fields and scouting. A sweep net is also useful (but not mandatory). Both of these pests are active during the day, and you will see them and evidence of their feeding quite readily. Even if these are fields you scouted a week or two ago, it is important to return – as the “ripening” pods are the attractant, particularly for stink bugs. They often don’t enter the fields in large numbers until the later stages of pod development. At or near 5% of pods with visible bean leaf beetle damage and/or more than 10 beetles/foot of row are thresholds for bean leaf beetles. Stink bug damage is very difficult to see from the outside of the pod, so a threshold of 20 stink bugs/100 sweeps is recommended. Once the pods are no longer green, stink bug numbers will decline rapidly as the pods are far less attractive when brown and dry.