Purdue Extension Martin County Blast 4-11-22
Introduction to Poultry Exhibition Workshop
When: Saturday, April 23, 2022 1:00 pm -3:00 pm EST
Where: Shelter House at Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee, IN
Free! Open to all youth and adults
Topics include: What to Expect at Shows; How to Choose a Breed; Show Preparation
For more information contact Shelby McAtee at 812-827-9778 shelbymcatee.94.sm@gmail.com
4-H Project drop / add deadline
2022 4-H project drop and add deadline is May 15, 2022! Please be sure you have the projects you desire listed on 4honline by May 15th. To fully exhibit at the Martin County 4-H Fair and/or the 2022 Indiana State Fair 4-H shows, 4-H enrollment must be completed, including paying enrollment fee for 4-Hers 3rd to 12th grade by May 15, 2022.
Extension staff are happy to help! Please call 812-295-2412 or email tompkia@purdue.edu.
2022 Martin County 4-H Handbook
Available at https://bit.ly/martin4h22handbook Printed copies are available by contacting the Extension Office.
4-H Static Project Scorecards: Major Changes for Simplification!
All 2022 4-H scorecards have been reviewed, updated, and posted to the Indiana 4-H Youth Development web site. Visit at: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/index.html
Scorecards are located on individual project pages. A general scorecard is available on the full project listing page. All previously used scorecards are outdated with the exception of some genealogy and some sewing scorecards.
All 4-H leaders, members and families are encouraged to become familiar with scorecards as you work to create 4-H exhibits for the 2022 Martin County 4-H Fair and the Indiana State Fair!
Martin County 4-H Club Meetings
Every 4-H member is invited to all Club Meetings and members are encouraged to be members of multiple clubs.
Dream Team Club
Date Day of the Week Time Location
5-1-22 Sunday 6:00 pm Loogootee City Park
5-14-22 Saturday 10:00 am St. Martin’s Hall
5-28-22 Saturday 10:00 am Loogootee City Park
6-12-22 Sunday 6:00 pm St. Martin’s Hall
7-2-22 Saturday 10:00 am St. Martin’s Hall
7-10-22 Sunday 6:00 pm Loogootee City Park
7-11-22 Monday 5:30 pm Martin County 4-H
(Records signing during fair set-up) Fairgrounds
Horse & Pony Club
Upcoming meetings dates TBA
Horses welcome with approved horse health certificates and MUST be signed by a licenses Veterinary. Health certificates may be accessed at:
Or hard copy picked up at the Extension Office.
4-H members do NOT need to have a horse to participate in the Horse & Pony Club! New in 2022: 4-H members who DO NOT have their own horse are offered a Mentor Showmanship class.
Jolly Jug Rox Club
Location: Hindostan Church Fellowship Hall
Time: 6:00 pm
Upcoming Dates:
April: Monday April 25
May: Tuesday May 10 & Wednesday May 25
June: Monday June 13 & Monday June 27
July: Tuesday July 5
Jolly Juniors Club
Location: Truelove Church
South on Highway 231
1195 Truelove Church Rd, Loogootee, IN
Time: 6:00 pm
Upcoming Dates:
May: Monday May 9 & Thursday May 26
June: Monday June 6 & Monday June 20
July: Tuesday July 5
Questions: Call Leader Kathy Lingenfelter at 812-709-1424
Jr. Leaders –
Next Meeting:
May 1, 2022 7 pm Community Learning Center, Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Shooting Sports Club-
Kick-off meeting: Monday, April 25, 2022 6:30 pm, Shoals American Legion, 224 High Street, Shoals, IN
Tractor Club –
Next meeting:
Thursday, April 21, 2022 6 pm Community Learning Center, Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
The 2022 Martin County 4-H Tractor Contest will be Saturday, June 11th 9:00 am at the Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds for all three Tractor Events: Ag Tractor, Lawn & Garden & Zero Turn.
The 2022 Area III 4-H Tractor Contest will be Saturday, June 25th at Warrick County Fairgrounds for all three Tractor Events: Ag Tractor, Lawn & Garden & Zero Turn. Exhibitors must qualify at the county level to progress to the Area Contest. (Rain date: June 26, 2022.)
The 2022 Indiana 4-H Tractor Contest is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, August 10th for all three Tractor Events: Ag Tractor, Lawn & Garden & Zero Turn. Exhibitors must qualify at the area level to progress to the State Contest.
Volunteer with 4-H Robotics Club or Jr. Leaders?
The Robotics 4-H Club & Jr. Leaders are in search of new volunteer leaders. Express interest by talking with Dena Held or any of the other 4-H Leaders and help make positive 4-H experiences with and for youth!
Communication and Expressive Arts 2022 Opportunities
A benefactor wants you to do one or more of the following things to let YOU… Martin County youth… have FUN!
Open to all high school age youth. Participants perform to over 500 people. (Youth pays $50 deposit to Martin County CES Ed Fund and once attends Band Workshop, will be reimbursed the $50) Full registration fee & 4-H enrollment will be paid by the benefactor! If other expenses are needed to be paid for you to attend, please discuss with Dena Held.
Open to all high school age youth. Participants perform to over 500 people. (Youth pays $50 deposit to Martin County CES Ed Fund and once attends Chorus Workshop, will be reimbursed the $50) Full registration fee & 4-H enrollment will be paid by the benefactor! If other expenses are needed to be paid for you to attend, please discuss with Dena Held.
For youth 3-12 grades Participate in Martin County 4-H Club activities and exhibit a project (or projects) under the Communication and Expressive Arts. $20 enrollment fee will be paid & you may attend club meetings, participate in activities, and exhibit at the Martin County 4-H Fair. https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/
2022 4-H Camp for Campers!
Youth in grades 3, 4, 5, & 6 are encouraged to at attend 4-H Camp 2022! A day camp format on June 14 & 15th will be held. Registration and details will soon be available at v2.4honline.com by logging into your 4honline account!
Indiana 4-H & Martin County 4-H Animal Details & Forms
Everyone interested may access 4-H animal details at https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/animal-identification.html to learn more and access forms for the 4-H year. The Purdue Extension Martin County Office is happy to help with access points and can print forms upon your request.
4-H Livestock Identification Day
Thursday, April 28th
6 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Livestock tagging for all livestock species and types of animals needing tagged MUST report to the 4-H Fairgrounds between 6 pm – 7:30 pm for tagging. This includes: Beef and Dairy Cattle, Goats & Sheep. (Exceptions as found at: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/animal-identification.html)
Swine: Tags will be distributed for you to apply at home for biosecurity reasons. You must complete a swine tag request form with animal information prior to tag distribution.
Tags issued are for 2022 exhibition year.
Any arrangements for other accommodations must be completed PRIOR to April 28th as new identification tags will NOT be distributed after April 28th for those animals requiring tagging.
The tagging deadline is April 28, 2022.
Animal ID on 4honline Deadline May 16th
4-H members must identify all Beef and Dairy Cattle, Goats, Horses, Llamas, Sheep and Swine in the 4-H Online system by May 15th (May 16 for 2022 only) to be eligible for exhibition at the Martin County 4-H Fair and/or The Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.
DNA Collection for Indiana State Fair Exhibition Deadline May 16th
Beef and Dairy Cattle, Meat Goats, Sheep and Swine must submit DNA hair samples by May 15th (May 16 for 2022 only) to the Extension Office to be eligible for Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.
Verification of Livestock Breed Status Deadline July 1st
Livestock who are purebred or have other registration papers with exhibitors who wish to show in those respective classes need to provide the properly registered papers by July 1, 2022 to the Extension Office.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Martin County Program Deadline for Livestock Exhibitors July 1st
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development. All youth who exhibit livestock are required to be certified annually. Certification can be obtained at an in-person class or via the online modules.
In Person Martin County Opportunities:
When: Monday, April 25, 2022 or Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 4 PM.
Where: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds / Community Learning Center, 2666 US Hwy 50, Loogootee.
Details: Space is limited and registration is required. If there are no registrants 48 hours before classes, the class will be cancelled. For more info contact Dena Held heldd@purdue.edu
How to register: Register at yqcaprogram.org
In person Knox County Opportunities:
April 24 3:00 pm EST at Knox County Fairgrounds
May 17 6:00 pm EST at VU Ag Center
All youth in Indiana exhibiting an animal (Swine, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, and Poultry) at a county or state fair must have completed a Quality Assurance Certification, by July 1, 2021 for Martin County exhibitors.
Rabbit Tattooing & Poultry Testing
Friday, May 13th
6 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Martin County 4-H Fairgrounds
Purdue Fast Start for Indiana Students
One way to earn admission into Purdue University is through Fast Start. Indiana Students can take the Modern States online courses for free. Those who pass a minimum of five corresponding College Board CLEP exams and meet Purdue’s standard admission requirements are assured admission to Purdue and designated Klinsky Scholars. CLEP testing centers are now open along with online options. The Purdue Extension Martin County office staff are available to help local students access this opportunity!
Save the date for a great opportunity for the first 15 adults registered. (Kids may attend with the registered adult.) The Family Table is a Purdue Extension Health & Human Science Program where healthy food preparation and nutrition is taught and demonstrated. Weekly meal kits are provided for cooking skill practices at home! Will be held at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Parish Center- Lower Level, 409 E Church Street, Loogootee
All classes and materials are free and registration is required. Program open to all. Class size is limited.
Register here: https://bit.ly/FamilyTable2022
Poultry Judging Contest
When: May 21, 2022
Where: Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 400 Parke Ave, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Registration deadline: May 13, $10 per contestant
Register at: https://bit.ly/3wwRoYE
Dubois County 4-H Horse Show
When: May 8, 2022
Time: Entry booth opens 9:00 am; Show starts 10:00 am
Cost: $5 per class, $10 per stall, $10 electric hook-up until sold out
Ribbons for 1st -6th places; Judged by 4-H rules. Must be enrolled in 4-H for 2022 to participate.
Horse show attire and helmets are required. Tack swap – Bring your outgrown clothing and tack.
Questions: Kaylee Jacob 812-631-4984 or Morgan Gudorf 812-309-9798
Veterinary Nursing Awareness Program
When: April 29, 2022 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Where: Lakeland Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, 805 E 075 N, LaGrange, Indiana
Who: Grades 8-12, Ag teachers, all teachers, are encouraged to bring their classes
Register by April 25 at https://bit.ly/vet_nursing_program
Contact: Bgilger@purdue.edu
When Is The Best Time To Plant Corn?
By: Dan Quinn
As spring approaches and farmers and agronomists begin to get anxious as corn planting approaches, the question that often arrives each year is when is the best time to begin planting? This question is often argued between farmers and agronomists, with farmers often wanting to plant earlier and agronomists often advising them to wait. This argument is often followed by an “I told you so” by one or the other at the end of the year, depending on growing season conditions and harvest results.
In Indiana, the optimum planting “window” for maximum corn yield potential occurs between April 20 and May 10 of each year. For the southern counties in the state, this “window” may be shifted one week earlier and for the northern counties in the state, this “window” may be shifted one week later. Overall, when examining previous year planting progress for Indiana from USDA-NASS crop reports, planting progress typically begins to increase around the 20th of April, with the majority of planting finishing toward the end of May. Previous research has shown that corn yield potential begins to decrease approximately 0.3% per day once planting is delayed beyond May 1st and approximately 1% per day if corn planting is delayed until the end of May. These decreases in corn yield potential are often contributed to a shortened growing season, elevated pest pressure, and increased potential for high heat and dry conditions during pollination. However, it is important to understand that delayed planting may only impact potential yield and not actual yield in a specific year. Just because corn was planted late, doesn’t mean high yields won’t be achieved. Many different factors and conditions beyond planting date can impact actual corn yield throughout the season and in certain instances, late-planted corn can out yield early-planted corn due to exposure to various conditions throughout the season. It is important to remember that chasing a calendar date to get corn planted is often not the smartest decision. For example, chasing a calendar date can result in corn being planted in less-than-ideal soil conditions causing issues such as compaction, poor root growth, uneven emergence, and seedling disease which ultimately result in lower yield.
Soil temperature is also always a hot topic each year as planting approaches. Pictures of digital thermometers placed in the soil are often shared as everyone waits for the infamous 50oF to be achieved to begin planting. However, it is important to remember that corn typically needs 115 growing degree days to emerge and if the soil temperature is at 50oF and continues to average only 50oF for a length of time, corn can take upwards of 35 days to emerge. Whereas, if corn is planted into a soil with a daily average temperature of 65oF, emergence can occur in 7 days or less. The overall goal is to achieve rapid emergence of corn plants to shorten the period an emerging plant is exposed to certain stresses, limit the potential for uneven emergence, and also achieve more stress tolerant plants. The bottom line is that when corn planting season is approached, it is more important to pay attention to specific soil conditions and the upcoming weather forecast, rather than chasing a specific calendar date or a specific soil temperature of 50oF when choosing to make the decision to start planting.