🥇Want to help your work team improve?
If you are a small business or agribusiness manager or leader, join Purdue Extension for this virtual “Lunch and Learn” series focused on leadership in the workplace.
The virtual “Becoming the Employer of Choice” one hour workshop series is offered on Tuesdays and begins September 17 thru October 29th at 11 am Central/12 pm Eastern time.
Whether you are a manager or employee, leadership skills will help you better understand workplace dynamics and your role in helping your team succeed.
Register for specific sessions at $10 each, or attend the entire virtual series for $40!! See the flyer for the link and dates!!
Learn more: https://tinyurl.com/6z6ybw8m
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/2cp4nzmv
#PurdueExtension #cdext #communitydevelopment