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Knox County Newsletter Sept/Oct

Purdue Extension Knox County 2024 Newsletter, featuring news in all of our program areas.  Learn our latest updates from our extension educators.  Here is one story that is featured in our newsletter.

 Fall is a great time for many festivals and a time to visit farm stands to get apples, pumpkins and other produce. Fall is also a great time to do lawn and garden maintenance. You can find articles in this newsletter about reseeding turf and soil sampling. 4-H enrollment will begin October 1st so if you have youth   K-12 interested, now is the time to register. ServSafe and mental health classes are also available.

If you have 4-H, health, human science, agriculture, natural resource, or gardening questions feel free to call us at 812-882-3509.

Click here to see complete Newsletter:  county/knox/2024/09/2024-sept-oct-newsletter-web-version.docx

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